Parasite infiltration

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Everyone was in the living room watching a movie, some fell asleep, and others preferred to be in their "office" room. Yet there were two who were missing and no one knew where they were

(One of the many rooms in the house)

Emerald: oh yes! I've been waiting for the new episode of Undernovela! 

Error: I̸'̸v̸e̸ ̵w̵o̷n̶d̸e̸r̴ ̸i̸f̴ ̶A̴s̵g̸o̵r̸o̴ ̴i̸s̸ ̵g̸o̸n̷n̷a̷ ̴w̸i̷n̸.̷ ̴N̶o̴,̴ ̷h̴e̶ ̷h̸a̵s̸ ̵t̸o̵!̴ ̴S̸i̶n̸ ̷d̸o̵e̶s̵n̵'̵t̸ ̶s̵t̷a̸n̵d̴ ̶a̵ ̸c̴h̵a̷n̷c̸e̸

Emerald: Yeah, but do you think Frisk is betraying him?

Error: I̴t̶ ̵e̴x̶p̶l̴a̶i̸n̶s̸ ̵w̷h̸y̸ ̶S̴i̸n̸ ̷k̸n̴e̷w̷ ̷t̸h̵e̶i̶r̴ ̶l̶o̴c̴a̴t̵i̶o̷n̵-̷ ̴H̴E̷Y̸ ̴d̵o̸n̴'̵t̷ ̷r̸u̴n̶ ̶a̴n̷y̴ ̴s̶u̷r̵p̴r̵i̴s̷e̶s̸!̸

Emerald: Quiet! It's gonna start!

Fresh: what's gonna start my rad broskis?

Emerald: WHAT THE-

Error: N̸O̵!̵ ̷N̵o̴t̸ ̶y̸o̷u̶!̷ ̶*̴D̵U̴C̶K̶I̶N̴G̵ ̷F̴L̶I̷P̸*̷ ̷A̵n̵d̵ ̶d̵o̸n̸'̴t̵ ̵g̵e̶t̷ ̸n̷e̸a̴r̷ ̴m̵e̵ ̴y̵o̵u̶ ̶p̴a̵r̸a̴s̴i̵t̴e̴ ̶

Fresh: Yo, chillax my cool brah

(Yells and screams could be heard from the whole house alarming everyone to a specific room)

Nightmare: Who the hell is making so much...noise. Oh (proceeds to wait outside)

Ink: What ha- oh Hi Fresh!

 Fresh: Heya my colorful buddy!

 Fresh: Heya my colorful buddy!

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

Nightmare: . . . . . 

Killer: uh...boss?

Dust: Boss, are you okay?

Fresh: I think my super unrad pal just got truth bombed broskis

Classic: I think he's broken. 

Ink: And Nightmare has lost to the voice 0 to 1! it 2? Wouldn't it technically be 0 to 2 because of last time?

Red: it's technically two

Error: W̴o̷a̷h̶,̶ ̶t̵h̸i̶s̵ ̶i̵s̸ ̶t̴h̶e̴ ̵f̶i̴r̴s̶t̶ ̸t̸i̸m̸e̵ ̴I̸'̴v̸e̴ ̴s̵e̶e̷n̵ ̸N̴i̵g̷h̵t̴m̸a̸r̸e̶ ̶h̸a̵v̵e̸ ̶n̵o̴t̴h̸i̵n̸g̸ ̵t̷o̷ ̸s̵a̴y̸ ̵b̵a̶c̵k̴.̴ ̴H̷e̷ ̷r̵e̶a̵l̸l̴y̴ ̴d̵o̶e̵s̵n̶'̵t̸ ̵h̴a̴v̴e̵ ̵a̵n̸y̸t̵h̵i̵n̷g̴ ̷t̸o̵ ̵s̸a̸y̵

Dream: I'm very sorry for what happened to you, I'm happy at least your brother apologized and you're all happy. As for the optimistic part, I think your optimistic, everyone has some optimism inside of us!

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