Sharing the news.

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"Mami has a baby in her tummy, Mami has a baby in her tummy!"

"Maybe we shouldn't have taught him to say that" Isy laughed from the passenger seat of the car as we drove down to the beach to meet Ona and Lucy for a coffee.
"We aren't going to be able to keep it to ourselves for much longer with blabber mouth back there"

"I think your bump is going to give it away anyway" I joked, gesturing over at Isy's growing bump which was popping out from the jacket she was wearing.

"I think you're right" she agreed, lifting her hand from her knee and resting it on top of her stomach with a wide smile.

"Maybe we should start telling a few people?" I suggested cautiously, knowing how apprehensive Isy was about it.
"We could start with Ona and Luce as we're seeing them today and then maybe Mapi and Ingrid at the weekend?"

"I don't know..."

"They're going to find out eventually" I smiled, reaching over and taking her hand into mine.

"Mami has a baby in her tummy!!!" Jordi shouted again from the back seat, causing both Isy and I to laugh.

"Ok, let's tell them. You're right, they'll find out anyway, whether it's from Jordi or the almost 20 week bump I'm carrying around under this jacket. It's best if we tell them before someone else does"

We arrived at the beach, parked the car and headed to the coffee shop on the waterfront that Ona and Lucy had been raving about for the last couple of months. For the first time in years we were early. As there no sign of Ona and Lucy yet we found a table and sat down, giving Jordi a snack from the bag to keep him happy whilst we waited.

"There's my favourite little boy!!" Ona called out as soon as she and Lucy walked into the air conditioned cafe, their intertwined hands separating as Ona skipped over to Jordi.

"Auntie Oni!!" He beamed up at her.

"Hi Jordi" Lucy greeted our little boy with a smile and a tap on the head.

"I'll get the drinks, what does everyone want?" Ona offered, remaining standing as she listened to the list of drinks we all wanted, Jordi interjecting with the word cookie over and over again knowing that Ona would always give him what he wanted.

Once Ona had disappeared off to the counter to do our order Jordi suddenly piped up again, turning to Lucy with a huge grin on his face as he spoke.

"Lucy. I got a secret to tell you"

"Have you little man? What is it?!" She asked with excitement, leaning down to his level.

"Jordi no, Mami is going to tell them-" I started, but before I could finish he had let the news slip.

"Mami has a baby in her tummy" he smiled proudly.

"You do?" Lucy whispered across the table, glancing over her shoulder to Ona who was still waiting to be served.

"Yes, we were going to tell you today, but Jordi boy here beat us to it"

"Tell us what?" Lucy asked with a smile on her face.
"I didn't hear anything..."

"Thank you Luce"

"Congratulations by the way" she smiled.

Ona came back to the table with a tray of coffees and a chocolate cookie for Jordi who quickly demolished the biscuit before getting restless. The toy dinosaurs from his bag kept him entertained while we finished our drinks with the promise of playing football on the beach afterwards the main focus for him.

"So what's new with you three? I feel like we haven't seen you much recently..." Ona asked across the table, her arm draped around Jordi's back as he sat as close to his favourite auntie as he possibly could.

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