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It was a few days after making the decision to stop when things changed.

Ale was away at a champions league game and I was at home with Jordi who had been a bit under the weather. I thought that I'd managed to avoid catching his illness but as the evening of game went on I felt worse and worse.

The dizziness started just after I put Jordi to bed and began to cook dinner for Eli and Alba who were coming over to watch the match. My head was spinning and I must have passed out as I woke up to the sound of my sister-in-law talking to me as I laid on the cold kitchen floor.

"Can you hear me Is? What happened? Did you hit your head?" She called out to me as she held my hand and stroked the top of my head.

" Jordi ok?" I asked as I came around, confused and worried as I had no idea how long I had been like this.

"He's fine, he's still asleep. What happened?"

"I-I don't know" I mumbled.

"Did you hit your head?" She continued, looking for any signs of blood or bruising on my body.

"I can't remember"

"The ambulance is on their way" Eli's voice appeared in the room as she crouched down beside me.

"Is Jordi ok?"

"He's fine, he's fast asleep" Alba repeated, trying to reassure me.

I tried to get up, but was quickly stopped by the mother-daughter duo who placed their hands on my shoulders to keep me still.

"I need to check on him" I huffed.

"You passed out Isy, we don't know how long you've been here or if you hit your head when you fell, so you need to try and stay still. Alba will go and check on him" Eli explained firmly, gesturing to Alba to go upstairs.

"I need Ale" I sobbed, missing my wife's support even though I was surrounded by people who cared about me. I needed her to hold my hand, I needed her to tell me that everything was going to be ok.

"The game has already started, but I've left a message with the team and I'm sure that she'll call as soon as she can"

"I need her Eli" I continued to cry, gripping my mother-in-law's arm for support as she knelt on the floor my by side.

"I know you do, she'll be here soon, but you've got me. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere"

The ambulance arrived not too long later, the paramedics checked me over and did a few tests before deciding that I needed to be taken to the hospital for more checks to find out why I passed out.

"Alba is going to stay here with Jordi and I'm coming with you, ok?"

"Ok" I blubbed, unable to control my tears.

Ale called Eli not long after we arrived at the hospital, She didn't put her on speaker phone straight away, she was clearly panicking though. The sound of her voice carried across the room and the worry in her voice was easy to hear.

"Ale, calm down. She's ok, we're at the hospital and she's getting checked over"
"He's at home with Alba"
"He's fine, he was still in bed"
"We think that she passed out, she was on the kitchen floor when we got there"
"She's tired and a bit confused, I think that she might have hit her head when she fell, but she seems ok"
"No. She's not." Eli said firmly down the phone, looking away from me for a moment.

I knew what she was asking. She thought that I had been drinking. I would had thought the same too given the circumstances and everything that we had been through in the last year.

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