It's over.

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My nerves had well and truly taken over, we were into injury time of the final, leading 1-0 with only seconds left on the clock but England had one last free kick. It was a final opportunity for them to level the game and take it into extra time. The whole family and friends section of the stands was up on their feet, waiting for the final whistle to be blown except for me. I was firmly sat on my seat, Jordi babbling away in the carrier, unable to watch the remaining moments. I'd never felt nervous like this before, it probably would have been easier to be on the pitch. Sitting in the stands was like torture.

The final whistle came and the score remained the same. 1-0. Spain were world champions for the very first time. Alexia was a world champion and we were going home with something to show for all of this. The stands went wild, jumping, screaming and crying surrounded me, but I couldn't move, I couldn't get to my feet, it was like I was paralyzed with emotions.

"They did it! It's over, they won!" Alba said excitedly as she crouched down beside me, smiling widely as she wrapped her arm around my back.

"I know" I blubbed, the tears and emotion taking over as I kissed Jordi on top of his head.

"Oh come here you" She laughed slightly, wrapping both of her arms around Jordi and I, giving us a big hug before speaking into my ear over the noise of the crowd
"I know it's been tough, but you get her back now... "

It had been tough, really tough and I was torn about how to feel now that the tournament was over. I was happy that they had won, excited to have Ale back, but also apprehensive of what our relationship would be like after everything that had happened in the last couple of months. I was proud of Ale of course, but at the same time I resented her for persuading Jordi and me to come out here when I had told her many times that I didn't feel comfortable doing so and I hated that she had promised us something and failed to live up to it. She hadn't been around and she'd missed out on so much that we might as well of stayed in Barcelona.

With the help of Alba, I managed to pull myself together, getting to my feet and watching the team celebrate on the pitch, my eyes never leaving Ale as she collapsed onto the pitch before quickly being engulfed by her teammates, Jenni, Laia, Misa, and Mariona all piling on top of her. She slowly got to her feet, looking over in our direction before her eyes finally met mine. A huge smile spread across her face as she waved at us before blowing a kiss in our direction, but before I could wave back she being was pulled away by a group of her teammates.

It was a while before we were eventually reunited, the trophy ceremony had taken place and the players had gone down the tunnel to do media and get changed before they finally reemerged onto the pitch, the majority of them running across the pitch and climbing into the stands to greet their family, including Ale. She practically launched herself over the barrier as she made her way into the stands, heading straight towards Jordi and I, ignoring her mother and sister as she brushed past them both. She immediately wrapped her arms around us both and placed an emotional kiss on my lips, lingering there for a moment before turning her attention to Jordi, reaching to take him into her arms, holding him up in front of her face and smothering his face with kisses like she always did.

"I love you both so much," She said emotionally as she settled Jordi on her hip with one arm and pulled me towards her with the other, her hand settling on the small of my back as she held me close.

"We love you too" I smiled, standing on my tip-toes and kissing her again, this was the first time in weeks that it felt like we had our Ale back, all of her focus was on us and I didn't want it to end.
"I'm so proud of you" I mumbled into her lips before pulling away slightly.

"Thank you carino, I just can't believe that we actually won. It doesn't feel real" She smiled, shaking her head in disbelief as her hazel eyes stared into mine before her face turned into a grimace and she looked down at Jordi who was tugging harshly on the medal that hung proudly around her neck.

"Careful JJ, that's not a toy," I said softly to him, trying to prise the ribbon from his hands without upsetting him too much.

"No, it's ok" Ale reassured me as she removed it from her neck and gave it to Jordi who immediately put it into his mouth, a new habit now that he was teething. Everything he got his hands on ended up in his mouth and covered in dribble.

"He's going to leave little teeth marks in it Ale"

"It doesn't matter... anything to keep my little boy happy"
"I've missed you both so much, you know that don't you?" she asked, tears building in her eyes as she looked between us both.

"We've missed you more, trust me" I breathed, wrapping both of my arms around her waist and resting my head against her chest.

We flew home with the team later that night, on the plane that had been organized for all of the players and their friends and family. Ale had barely left our side since we were reunited at the stadium. She'd been in what she had kept calling 'Mama mode' since we left the stadium, doing as much as she could with Jordi, feeding him, changing him, and keeping him entertained on the long flight while also giving me more attention than she had in almost two months.

It really felt like I had my wife back, and Jordi had his Mama back, but part of it felt strange. She had just won the World Cup, we were on a plane full of her teammates and she wasn't celebrating at all. She was sitting at the back of the plane with me and Jordi, who was now fast asleep in my arms.

"You can go and celebrate you know?" I nudged her slightly, gesturing towards the front of the cabin where her teammates were jumping around and having fun as they sang along to whatever was playing through the speaker.

She looked in their direction for a moment, smiling at her teammates before noticing Jenni who was glancing in our direction, her eyes meeting mine for a split second before immediately turning away.
"No, I'm good here" Ale smiled, reaching across to take my hand into hers.

"Ale, you've just won the World Cup... I don't mind, go and have some fun. You're on the night shifts with him when we get back so you might as well make the most of it"

"I'm having fun here Carino"

"I just don't want you to feel like you can't" I pushed.

"I don't" She smiled, squeezing my hand tightly.
"I want to sit here with you two"

Ale was busy replying to the hundreds of messages on her phone when I noticed Jenni glancing over in our direction once again with an indescribable look on her face.

"Did something happen between you two?" I asked once she had looked away, something about the atmosphere between the two of them feeling off.

"Who?" Ale asked quickly, her eyes shooting up from her phone.


"No. Why? What do you mean?" she quickly replied, fidgeting in her seat as she sat upright.

"Well, now I know that I'm not just imagining things... you practically jumped out of your seat the second I mentioned her name"

"No, I didn't" She tried to act innocent, but the color suddenly draining from her face and the slightly higher pitch of her voice gave her away.

"You did Alexia, and I know when you're lying, so you might as well just tell me. Did you have an argument or something?"

"It's nothing" she snapped, a flush now appearing on her cheeks as she avoided making eye contact with me

"It's clearly something, and if you don't tell me I'm just going to keep thinking the worst"

"Can we not do this here?" She asked quietly... turning in her seat to face me as her eyes finally met mine.

And hearing that question coming from my wife's lips is when I knew...

I'd been right all along.

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