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"What? When?" I asked, holding Isy even tighter than I was before.

"About a year ago" She mumbled into my chest.

"Why didn't you tell me Isy" I asked her gently, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I haven't told anyone, not even- not even mum and dad... I just don't know what to do" She sobbed, raising her hands to her face in an attempt to hide her emotions from me.

"I just tried to forget about it, but it hasn't worked, I can't stop thinking about it Ale and it's terrifying me... I'm scared"

I knew how hard Isy had struggled with her own thoughts about this whole thing, finding out at sixteen that she was adopted hit her hard. Her parents brought her up and she loved them more than anything, but not knowing where she really came from made her feel lost. It wasn't something that she talked about very often, but when she did it was really obvious just how much it had had an impact on her life.

She started looking for her birth parents about a year or so into our relationship, after a very difficult conversation with her mum and dad she got in touch with the adoption agency wanting to know more about her past. They only had her birth mother on record, but the contact information they had listed was out of date so all they could give her was her name. She spent a month trying to find out more about her, but nothing came out of it so for years all she had was a name.

Elena Ramirez

"I love you so much ok and I'm going to be right here by your side no matter what you decide to do"

"I love you too" she mumbled into my chest.

We stayed there in our bed for the next hour or so, Isy didn't say anything else she just lay there in my arms, a gentle sob escaping her lips every now and again. I wanted to know more, I wanted to how she was feeling, what she had found out, and whether she had been in contact with her, but I knew that she wasn't ready to talk yet so I just held her in my arms and tried to make her feel as safe as I could before she eventually fell back to sleep.

We were due in for training in an hour or so, I knew that Isy wasn't in any state to be leaving the house right now, but I also knew that she would be really annoyed if we didn't go so I slowly began to wake her up by running my fingers through her hair and whispering into her ear.

"Isy do you want to go to training or should I call Jonatan?"

"No- no I want to go. I'll get up now" She mumbled, before immediately sitting up and pulling back the covers.

"Are you sure?"

"Mmmhmm" she hummed as she climbed out of bed and headed towards the wardrobe, rummaging through the shelves looking for her training kit.

I climbed out of bed not long after her, walking up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist, and resting my head on her shoulder. She relaxed into my arms immediately, letting out a long breath as she leaned back into my body.

"I think I want to get in contact with her... she might not be interested in getting to know me, b-but I just feel like I need to find out where I came from and why she didn't want me"

"If she doesn't want to get to know you, then that is her loss because you're my favourite person in the whole world and she'd be so lucky to have you in her life"

A few weeks of uncertainty passed before Isy decided to take the next step, flying over to Seville for the weekend to let her parents know that she had found her birth mother and that she was planning on getting in contact with her. She was nervous about telling them, worried that they would be upset and it would have a negative effect on their relationship. I offered to go with her for support, but she rightly said that it would be better if she did it on her own, it was an extremely difficult conversation to have and having me there wouldn't help that.

Her parents were more supportive than Isy could have ever imagined, completely understanding her reasons behind taking this step and offering to do anything that they could to help her. I knew that would be their reaction, because they were honestly two of the nicest and most understanding people I had ever met. Yes, inside they must be hurting and scared by the thought of Isy wanting to find her birth mother, but they would never let her see that, they only wanted what was best for their daughter and right now this is what she needed.

Isy decided to write a letter to Elena saying everything she had wanted to for the last 10 years.  Telling her about everything that she had achieved and what an amazing childhood she had had, but also asking the things that she had been so desperate to know.

"Do you want to read it?" She asked nervously as she put her pen down and held the letter in her hand.

"Do you want me to read it? because if you do then I will, but I understand how personal this letter is and if it's something that you want to keep just between the two of you then I totally get that. It's your choice cariño"

"I want you to read it, make sure I haven't said anything stupid because I really don't want to ruin this before it's even begun"

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