The letter.

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Dearest Isabel,

Thank you so much for your letter. I've been praying and hoping that you would want to get in touch since the moment I said goodbye to that little bundle in my arms all those years ago. I want you to know that putting you up for adoption was the hardest decision that I have ever had to make. I was young, and no matter how much I loved you, I knew I couldn't give you the life you deserved.

The first few days after you were born were some of the best days of my life. Yes, they were hard, because during that time I decided that there were better parents out there who could give you a better life than I could, but they were still some of the most enjoyable. For three days it was just us, you and I in the hospital together in our own little bubble. I spent hours staring at your little face, taking every part of you into my memory, the tiny dimple in your right cheek, your beautiful long eyelashes, the freckle on your left ear, and the crease between your eyebrows whenever you got upset. I can still picture every single part of how you were back then, but you're not that tiny baby anymore, you're a beautiful young woman.

As you told me about yourself and how your life has panned out in your letter, I feel that it is only right to tell you about myself. I was born and raised in Valencia to my parents Carlos and Maya. I have an older sister Catalina, whom you got your middle name from, she was there with me when you were born, she was my biggest supporter throughout my whole pregnancy, and from the pictures that you sent, you look just like her.

I live in Madrid now with my husband Marc and our son Mateo who is 10 years old and your half-brother. He knows that he has an older sister with a different mummy and daddy, but I haven't gone into the reasons why with him yet, he's still too young to understand, but I will. He plays football for a local team and has been in love with the sport pretty much since he started walking so it's clearly a sibling thing. I run my own photography business which takes up a lot of time, and any spare time that I do get is spent taking Mateo to and from training and games.

There's so much more to tell you and I hope to get the chance to. I've wanted to find you since the day I gave you up, but I made that choice, so I only felt that it was right to give you the choice about whether you wanted to find me or not, but Isabel, I am so so glad that you did. I have missed you so much and I know that I cannot get back the years, but I hope that we can have a future, in whatever way you are prepared to let me be a part of your life. I travel to Barcelona at least once a month, so we could meet for a coffee or something while I'm there if that's something that you'd be open to.

I hope to hear back from you soon.
All my love, Elena

Alexia's POV

Isy slowly opened the envelope, fidgeting in her seat as she unfolded the letter, pausing momentarily, letting out a deep breath before reaching for my hand and intertwining her fingers with mine.

I didn't say anything, because I knew that nothing I could say at this moment would make this any easier for her, so I simply sat there by her side and held her hand, drawing circles on the back of her palm as she read the letter.

Isy's grip on my hand got tighter and tighter, until she suddenly released it, throwing the letter onto the sofa next to her and covering her face with both of her hands.

"I d-don't- I shouldn't have sent that letter" she mumbled into her palms as she slowly shook her head.

"What do you mean? What did she say?" I asked, placing my hand on her back and rubbing it reassuringly.

"She sounds really nice, she wants- she wants to get to know me, and I can't... not now. It'll ruin everything" She sputtered, stumbling over her words as they came out of her mouth, tears beginning to roll down her cheeks as she turned to look at me.

"My life has just started to get good again, we're stronger than we have ever been, I'm seeing my parents more now that I've moved back, and I'm playing better than I ever have. I'm happy and having her come into my life, it'll ruin everything. I'm scared Ale, I don't want to mess everything up"

"I know you are Carino" I spoke softly, pulling her into my chest and wrapping my arms around her back, holding her tightly as her tears began to soak my t-shirt.

"You haven't committed to anything yet, you don't have to have a relationship with her if you don't want one, OK? It's completely up to you, you're in control here"

"I don't know what I want, I just- I don't want anything to change"

"Nothing is going to change, not with me anyway... you're stuck with me now, I'm not going anywhere" I said before placing a kiss on top of her head.

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