Christmas party pt.2

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Before I could even answer Isy's question she had walked away and found her way to the dancefloor. I watched her for a while as she danced hand in hand with Pina and Patri, the three of them singing loudly as they swayed along to the music.

I don't know what it was about her tonight, but she was even more irresistible than usual. The way she walked, the way she talked, the way she looked... everything about her was driving me insane. Ever since the heated moment we shared in our bedroom before leaving to come to the party all I could think about was getting her home, all I could think about was getting her into bed...

"Close your mouth Ale"  Mapi said, nudging my ribs with her elbow.

"What?" I asked, turning to look at Mapi who had a smirk plastered across her face.

"You're staring" She smirked, gesturing towards Isy with her eyes.

My cheeks immediately flushed with embarrassment, I was staring, but the fact that I had been caught by Mapi made it even worse.

"Sorry" I mumbled, avoiding eye contact with her.

"You don't have to apologise Ale, she's your girlfriend. I've just never seen you like this... you're practically drooling" She joked.

I turned back to look at Isy, who was now dancing with her back against Pina, swaying her hips to the music and staring directly at me with a look in eyes that I couldn't describe.

"I don't know why, but everything about her tonight is driving me insane" I said quietly while biting my bottom lip.

"She's doing it on purpose Ale... look at her! she knows exactly what she's doing..."
"Just ignore her and she'll become the desperate one... that's what I do when Ingrid is like that and it always works" She laughed.

"I can't believe that I'm talking to you about this..." I mumbled.

"Just listen to me Ale, I promise it will work... it always does with Ingrid" she smirked glancing across the table to her girlfriend who was laughing at something Frido had said.

I did exactly what Mapi suggested, I ignored Isy for the rest of the night... I didn't watch her as she danced, I didn't look for her across the room, basically I just left her to herself. I stayed at the table with Mapi as the others came and went. We had been re-joined by Lucy and were talking to her about her recent trip back to England with Keira, when Isy suddenly appeared beside us. I could see the look Mapi was giving me in the corner of my eye, her eyes telling me that she was right and that her plan had worked perfectly. Isy didn't say anything, clearly not wanting to interrupt our conversation she just placed herself down sideways on my lap, her legs hanging from my knee. I placed my hand on her back to support her as I continued talking to Lucy.

"Do you miss it?" I asked her.

"Yes and no. I miss our friends and family, but I love it here in Barca. I could honestly see myself staying here forever, but I know that Keira wants to go at some point in the future, she wants us to settle down properly in England and I want what she wants" Lucy said, smiling at Kiera who was dancing with Aitana.

As the conversation continued Isy began to play with the buttons on my suit jacket gently tugging on them trying to get my attention, but Mapi's words kept replaying in my head... just ignore her... so I did, I kept my focus on Lucy and our conversation, ignoring my beautiful girlfriend who was sat on my lap. That was until she leaned into me and whispered something into my ear.

"I love you"

She knew that would get a response out of me, it always had done. I couldn't not respond to her, even when we were arguing or upset with each other I would always tell her that I loved her too.

"I love you too" I whispered back, placing a kiss on her temple.

"Will you come and dance with me?" She asked, her hand reaching for mine and pulling me up to my feet.

"You know that I don't like dancing" I moaned as she pulled me in the direction of the dance floor.

As soon as we reached the dance floor she pulled me close to her, wrapping her arms around the back of my neck and standing on her tiptoes, capturing my lips with hers

"I do, but I know that you can't say no to me" she mumbled into the kiss.

"That's not true and we both know it, because you're going to be the one doing exactly as you're told when we get home like the good girl you are" I whispered seductively into her ear gripping onto her waist and pulling her close to my body.

"Oh really?" she whispered as we swayed to the music.

"Mhmm" I hummed against her ear.
"In fact why don't we start now... go and get your jacket, I'm taking you home"

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