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Ale and I had been back from Amsterdam for 2 weeks when our worst nightmare happened.

We had agreed with Jonatan when I came back to training and playing that Eli would be able to contact him if there was ever an emergency with Jordi. We didn't have our phones on us when we were on the pitch and were pretty much uncontactable for a few hours each day, so when he quickly walked over to me towards the end of our match day minus one session before the el clásico my heart sank in my chest.

I didn't want to answer this call, because I knew what it meant.

Something was wrong with Jordi...

Jonatan immediately handed the phone over to me, a worried look on his face as he briefly explained.
"Eli is on the phone"

The panic really set in once the phone was in my hand.

"Eli what's wrong? What's happened? Is Jordi ok?"

"Isy stay calm ok? Jordi has bumped his head and he's got a bit of a cut, so we are at the hospital"

"Is he ok? Has he been sick? Did he lose consciousness?" I quickly asked, everything that we'd learnt at the baby first aid course that Ale and I had done when I was pregnant came flooding back.

Vomiting is a bad sign. Being unconscious is a really bad sign.

"No he hasn't, he might need a few stitches though" She explained, the emotion clear in her voice as I heard Jordi whinging in the background.

"ALE!!!" I called across the pitch to my wife who was practicing her free kicks, her head immediately turning in my direction.

"We need to go! it's Jordi"

"We'll be right there Eli. We are leaving now" I spoke down the phone, hanging up before she could answer me and running towards the locker room.

"What's happened!? Is he ok?!" Ale called after me as she followed me inside, keeping up with my pace as she sensed the urgency.

"He's had a fall and cut his head. Your mum has taken him to the hospital"

"He's what?"

"H-he's cut his head. She thinks that he needs stitches. I-I don't know. All I know is that we need to get to our baby boy" I explained, starting to hyperventilate at the realization that our little boy was hurt.

"Hey- breath. He's with Mama, and we are going to him now. He's going to be ok" Ale tried to calm me down, placing her hands on my shoulders and looking into my eyes.

"He's hurt Ale and we aren't there"

"What's happened!?" Mapi asked quickly as she arrived in the locker room not far behind us.

"Jordi's hit his head, we need to go" Ale mumbled, not even glancing up at her best friend as she rummaged around in her bag for her car keys.
"Where are the stupid keys!!" She shouted in frustration.

"I'm driving" Mapi said as she collected her car keys from her cubby and walked towards the exit.
"Come on. Neither of you are in a fit state to drive right now" she stopped and held open the door for us.

Mapi dropped us off at the pediatric entrance and we headed straight inside, making our way directly to the reception area to find out where our boy was.

Ale reached the desk first, resting her hands on the surface and breathing heavily with panic.

"Um- we're looking for Jordi Putellas. He's our son. I mean, we're his parents. He hit his head. His abuela brought him in"

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