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The first leg of our quarter-final went as well as we could have hoped, a 2-1 win to take back to Camp Nou, topped off with my first goal since returning to Barca. It felt great to get back on the score sheet again and it being the winning goal in the 80th minute made it feel even sweeter.

After the game, I spent as long as I possibly could with Ona before we needed to get on the coach and travel to the airport. Saying goodbye was always hard, but knowing that in a few months she would be in Barcelona with me made it so much easier.

"Isy we really need to get going" Ale called from the tunnel.

"I'm coming!"

"So, I'll see you soon then chica" I said to Ona, who was standing on the other side of the barrier.

"Definitely" Ona smiled , before pulling me into a hug.
"I've got a meeting with Laporta next month so I'll see you then"

The journey home always felt so much quicker than the journey to wherever we were playing, knowing that I would be home with Ale in a few hours made time fly by. Of course, we had been together for the last few days in London, but it was different when we were with the team, we couldn't be our usual selves like when we were at home. We couldn't share a room, we couldn't be as affectionate, and we couldn't spend as much time together as we liked. Simply put, we couldn't be Ale and Isy when we were with the team. We had to be teammates, Barcelona players, Alexia the captain and Isabel the defender.

A few hours of travelling later and we were finally home, at our house in the comfort of our four walls, where we could be us again. We ordered in food for dinner and cuddled up on the sofa to watch a couple of episodes of our favourite series before heading up to bed.

I was lying with my head on Ale's lap watching the television while she ran her fingers through my hair.

"I can't stop thinking about what you said yesterday..." Ale spoke softly, a teasing tone in her voice as her fingers stopped their soothing movements.

"What did I say..." I asked, shifting slightly and turning onto my back to look up at her.

"That you can't wait to marry me... and have kids with me..." She explained with a smile on her face, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"I meant it" I smiled up at her, my cheeks immediately starting to blush.

"You have no idea what hearing you say that does to me cariño" Ale bites her lip as she speaks

"Oh really?!" I asked, immediately sitting up and raising an eyebrow towards Ale.
"Well... I can't wait to be your wife, I can't wait to have your name on the back of my shirt, and can't wait to have your babies Alexia" I smirked, slowly climbing onto her lap.

As soon as I had settled on top of Alexia she immediately planted her lips onto mine.

"What happened to Alexia Martinez?" she mumbled against my lips, her hands settling on my lower back gripping me tightly.

"I'd never ask you to change your name, Ale. I hate that I never got to meet your dad and that he won't be around to see any of this happen, so I can't think of anything better than carrying on his name" I explained quietly, Ale's sparkling eyes staring into mine as I spoke.

Every word coming out of my mouth was the truth. I wish I could have met Jaume, from everything that Alexia had told me about him he sounded like the most amazing man and father and I hate that he's not here to see the amazing woman his daughter has become.

"Anyway, I might win a Balon D'or with Putellas as my name" I joked, poking Ale in the ribs, immediately lightening the mood.

Ale placed her lips on mine once again, but this time the kiss had more passion behind it, her hands began roaming up and down my back pulling me closer to her as I held her face in my hands.

Ale pulled away from the kiss for a moment, her forehead resting against mine as she spoke.
"I love you so much Carino, but you do know that we aren't engaged yet though, right?" She smiled.

"Of course I know that you idiot, you haven't asked me yet!" I breathed, before attempting to resume our kiss.

"Oh, I've got to ask you have I?" She smirked, pulling her head away from mine and tickling just below my ribs.

"Obviously" I laughed hysterically, wriggling around on her lap before burying my head in her neck and softly sucking on her pulse point, knowing the effect that it would have on her... knowing what it would do to her.

Breathy moans escaped her lips as mine softly tickled the delicate skin of her neck, slowly moving down and along her collarbone as her nails dug into my bare thighs. The sharp feeling on my skin was immediately followed by the jerk of her rising to her feet, lifting me with her. I quickly wrapped my legs around her waist and threw my arms around the back of her neck as she carried me out of the living room and into the hallway, desperately trying not to fall out of her grip.

"Where are we going?" I mumbled into her neck, knowing too well where she was taking me.

"Upstairs" Alexia growled.
"We've got a goal to celebrate, haven't we?"


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