The aftermath.

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I had never been able to resist Alexia, ever since the day we first kissed almost 4 years ago, she had always been my weakness. A weakness that I thought I had gotten over... until tonight. I wanted Alexia to kiss me in that moment, to feel her lips on mine, but that moment was over.

The sound of the door swinging open followed quickly by Mapi's voice suddenly brought me back to reality.

"Ale- oh sorry I-" Mapi mumbled, clearly shocked by the situation she had walked in on.

I quickly pushed Alexia away from me, wanting to escape this situation as quickly as possible. I left the bathroom and made my way out of the restaurant, bumping into Ingrid as I walked out onto the street.

My mind was in overdrive, how had I ended up in that situation... how had I let her back in? I couldn't catch my breath, the cool evening air providing no relief.

"Isa, are you ok?" Ingrid asked, the concern clear in her voice as she placed her hand on my shoulder.

I leant forward, placing my hands on my knees, and took a few moments to try and get my breathing under control.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I mumbled before standing up and looking back at the restaurant.
"I need to get home..."

"We'll give you a lift, I just need to wait for Mapi." Ingrid offered

"I think I'll walk... thank you though" I said as I turned to walk in the direction of my apartment.

Ingrid called after me, but I had to get away. I knew that Alexia would be coming out of the restaurant at any moment and I couldn't see her again this evening, I needed to sort my head out. I needed some space.

While walking down the streets of Barcelona, the evenings events kept replaying in my mind. Alexia walking into the restaurant, her smile, hearing her say my name for the first time in what felt like forever, her laugh and the thing that I can't get out of my head...the feeling of her hand reaching for mine.

For months after we ended these were the moments that I had wished for, I wished that she would come back, but not now. I didn't come back for her, I came back because I missed my family, my friends and my team. I didn't miss her anymore... or so I thought.

I arrived back at my apartment, opening the door and then quickly closing it behind me. Finally, I could let my emotions out properly. The tears that I had been holding in, now escaping. As the tears continued to roll down my cheek, I walked into the kitchen heading straight to the fridge and reaching for the bottle of wine I had brought yesterday. I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and walked into the living room, collapsing onto the sofa, pouring myself a glass. Which I quickly drank.

As I poured another glass, my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was Mapi...


I'm so sorry Isa, she really wanted to see you. I messed up...

I looked at the notification, but didn't respond. I threw my phone down next to me and rested my head against the back of the sofa, closing my eyes for a moment. Then my phone vibrated again.


Please Isa. Just let me know you got back home ok? I get that you're upset, but I just want to know that you're ok...


Alexia's POV
in the restaurant bathroom

"Ale- oh sorry I-"

The arrival of Mapi, truly meant the moment was over. I missed my chance. Isabel pushed me away, most likely coming to her senses, before she practically ran out of the room. I watched her as she left, desperately wanting to go after her, but I decided not to. It wouldn't help.

"Shit- Ale I'm sorry..." Mapi mumbled

"It's not your fault" I mumbled

"It is...if I hadn't of have come in, she wouldn't have left..." Mapi tried to explain, but she was wrong.

"She would have. She's running from me, not you, so seriously... it's not your fault."

I looked up at the ceiling, placed both of my hands over my eyes and let out a long breath. Standing like that for a moment as I tried to gather my thoughts, when I felt Mapi's hand on my shoulder.

"What really happened between you two Ale? Obviously, I know that you broke up, but why? You two were so happy together..." She asked quietly.

"I messed everything up...just like I always do."

Hopefully you're all enjoying this story so far! 😊
I have a good idea of where I want this story to go, but if you have anything you want to see along the way then feel free to leave a comment or send me a message ✌️

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