Let me explain...

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Alexia's POV

I woke up the following morning after a terrible night's sleep. Normally after travelling for work I would be exhausted and have no trouble whatsoever falling asleep and sleeping right through to the morning, but not last night. Last night was the exception, all I could think about was how much I had messed everything up and how I was going to make it better. I should have known that Isy would find out about me seeing Jenni, I should have told her before it happened, but I didn't want her to worry. I should have done anything but hide it from her.

I got dressed and headed downstairs, the house still was quiet and there was no sign that Isy was awake yet, so I quietly crept around not wanting to disturb her. I sat and had a coffee before getting my suitcase from the front door and carrying it upstairs. As I walked towards the bedroom something caught my eye, the spare room door was slightly open as a beam of light shone into the hallway. Isy must be awake. I placed my suitcase down onto the carpet and walked towards the door, raising my hand and gently knocking on the painted wood.

There was no answer, so I knocked again...

"Isy, can I come in?"

Still no response.

I cautiously pushed open the door, hoping to finally get the chance to explain, but my eyes were met with an empty room. The curtains were wide open and the bed was made, it was like she had never been in there.

I called out her name, hoping that she was somewhere else in the house, but I was just met with silence. She wasn't here. I ran downstairs to find my phone, checking it to see if I had any missed calls or texts that I hadn't seen, but there was nothing. I did the only other thing that I could think of and checked her location.

The blue dot appeared on the map and I knew exactly where she was. She was at her old apartment. I didn't know what to do... should I go and see her or should I leave her to be on her own for a bit. She clearly ran away for a reason, and I didn't blame her at all, but we needed to talk... I needed to explain.

I grabbed my keys from the bowl beside the front door and headed straight to my car, before driving the fifteen minute journey to her apartment. I pulled up outside of her building and climbed out of the car so quickly that I almost fell over.

When I reached the door of her apartment I was stuck in two minds about what to do next. Normally I would just use the key that Isy had given me and walk straight in, but it didn't seem like the best idea today, so I knocked on the door praying that she would answer.

A minute or so had passed since I knocked on the door and there was still no response, I could hear the sound of the tv echoing through the door so it was obvious that she was in there, she just wasn't answering and I didn't blame her.

I knocked again, this time calling to her through the door.

"Isy, it's me... please open the door"

The sound of footsteps appeared on the other side of the door before it swung open and I was met by Isy standing there in her pyjamas, her eyes were glossy and her face was flushed, she looked broken. I had broken her.

"What are you doing here?" She hissed as she stared down at the floor, her eyes avoiding mine.

"I came to talk to you, I need to explain Isy, it's really not as bad as it looks I promise"

She turned around and walked back inside, leaving the door open behind her which I took as an invitation to follow her. She headed straight into the living room and collapsed onto the sofa, where by the looks of it she had spent most of the night, the cushions were scattered around the room, a blanket was screwed up in a ball on the sofa and there was an empty bottle lying on the floor.

"Have you been drinking?" I asked quietly while staring at the empty wine bottle on the carpet.

"I thought that you'd come to explain..." She said, dismissing my question immediately.

"How much have you had to drink Isy?" I asked again, I knew the difficult relationship that Isy had with alcohol and seeing the bottles lying on the floor had made me worry even more. I hadn't seen her drink at all since she had been back and knowing that I was the reason she had started again was killing me.

"I'm not talking to you about this right now Alexia, the only thing that I want to talk about is why you were with Jenni and why you didn't tell me about it"

"I'm worried about you cariño"

"Well you clearly weren't worried about me when you were out with your ex were you... did you have a nice time by the way?" she snapped.

"I didn't plan for it to happen, do you honestly think that I wanted to see her... she was at the shoot along with a few other players and Nike had organised a group dinner for all of us. I couldn't say no could I?"

"I would never expect you to say no, but you could have at least told me so that I didn't have to find out on Instagram. A simple text is all I needed... 'Hey Isy, Jenni is here at the shoot and Nike has organised a dinner for us that I can't get out of. There'll be other people there too, so it won't be just the two of us, you've got nothing to worry about I promise. I'll call you later to explain properly, I love you' that was all I needed. Instead I was sitting in our home on my own worrying that something was going on between you and your ex" She ranted as the tears began to brim in her eyes.

"You're right, I'm sorry" I said softly, testing the water by sitting down on the edge of the sofa.

"You're sorry... you're sorry!? I can't believe that I let you back in again... you promised that you wouldn't lie to me again and you did" She rambled, her breathing becoming more irregular as she tried to stop herself from crying.

"I didn't lie to you Isy, I just didn't tell you because I knew that you would be worried"

Stupid thing to say Alexia...

"Do you not remember what happened last time that you were in a different country and 'didn't tell me something' Ale?"

That is when it hit me, I had done it again, I had messed everything up with my inability to communicate properly. Hearing what Isy had just said made me realise why she was so upset, I understood how she was feeling and I hated myself for making her feel that way.

"I'm sorry Isy, I'm so sorry... I messed everything up again. If I could go back and change it I would. I wouldn't have gone to that stupid dinner, I would have said no to the photoshoot and stayed home with you... I would have got on the plane. I just wish I had got on that fucking plane" I was the one crying now, the tears trickling from my eyes and down my cheeks, landing on hoodie.

"Nothing happened?" she asked, her voice cracking with emotion as she looked up at me, her eyes meeting mine for the first time since I arrived.

"Nothing happened, I promise you carino, I would never do anything to hurt you... not again. I love you too much"

She stared at me for a few moments before she slowly crawled across the sofa towards me and buried her face into the side of my neck, finally letting her sobs escape. I immediately wrapped my arms around her body and held her close to me, resting my chin on top of her head as I rubbed circles on her back with my hand.

We sat there together for a while, neither of saying anything until Isy finally spoke. Her voice was quiet and fragile like she was too nervous to speak at all.

"Can we go home now?"

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