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When we arrived home the next day, one of the first things that Isy wanted was for our family to come and meet the new addition, we were still exhausted, but I think we'd both come to the realization that we would be like this for months. Having a newborn wasn't going to get any easier, but having the help of other people who loved him could only help. So, I got Isy and Jordi settled onto the sofa before calling Mamá and Alba and telling them to get over here as soon as they could.

Mamá was the first one to arrive, when I answered the front door she was standing there with a huge smile on her face, one hand full of bags and containers of food piled up in the other.

"Come in, come in!" I smiled, holding the door open for her to come inside.

She headed straight to the kitchen, placing the food on the side and the bags on the floor before pulling me into her arms and holding me tight.
"Congratulations Mama" She mumbled into our embrace.

"Thank you, congratulations to you too... Abuela" I smiled, pulling out of our embrace and gesturing towards the living room.
"Do you want to come and meet him?"

"Of course I do!" She clapped her hands together excitedly, before making her way down the hall.

She teared up as soon as she walked into the living room where Isy was sitting cradling Jordi in her arms. Of course, she was excited about meeting her grandson, but she was also really supportive of Isy, asking her how she was feeling and telling her how amazing she was before even turning to the baby in her arms, and for that, I loved her even more. Mamá was smitten the moment Isy placed Jordi in her arms, the way she looked at him made my heart explode with love, there was something incredibly special about seeing my mother hold our baby for the first time.

"He's beautiful" She smiled down at him, delicately stroking the dark hair on top of his head with her fingers.
"Has he got a name yet?" She asked turning towards Isy and I.

"Jordi Jaume Putellas" I announced proudly, reaching for Isy's hand and intertwining her fingers with mine as we both watched on.

"Oh it's perfect..." She welled up as she stared down at Jordi.
"He looks a lot like him you know, but so do you, so it's not really surprising. He's definitely a Putellas though, that's for sure"

Alba arrived not long later, the excitable new auntie that we had been expecting to bound into the house had been replaced by a quiet and careful auntie who was extremely nervous around the new baby.

"Do you want to hold him?" I asked her as she sat down on the sofa opposite, her eyes remaining focused on her nephew in my arms, a look of love, but also apprehension in her eyes.

"I don't want to hurt him" She spoke softly.

"You won't, sit back and I'll bring him over, he can't wait to meet you properly"

The moment Jordi was in her arms she immediately relaxed, and her face softened as she ran the back of her finger against his cheek softly.
"I can't believe that he's actually here, he's just so perfect..." She smiled up at both Isy and me, tears filling her eyes as the nerves slowly faded away and she became more comfortable with the baby in her arms.

They didn't stay for long, Mama was very conscious of not outstaying her welcome, knowing that Isy needed to rest and we needed time to bond with our new son and as much as Alba wanted to stay forever she knew that we needed space too. When they left I was more than ready to snuggle up on the sofa with Isy and Jordi, but she had other ideas.

"What time are Mapi and Ona coming?" She asked as she fed Jordi on the sofa.

"What do you mean?"

"When are they coming to meet Jordi?" She repeated.

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