old bonds.. ft. Ziva and Virushka

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Vamu got ready pretty soon and skipped over to the lobby happily, Ziva and Gracy stood there talking and laughing about something.

"Oh kid is here!" Gracy said looking at Vami as Ziva turned and smiled at her.

"Good that you're here now. Chachu is waiting for us.. " Ziva said as the three walked out of the hotel.

Suresh Raina stood there with a smile on his face as Gracy ran and hugged her father. Followed by Ziva. "How are my favourite girls!!?" Sonu said as he lifted them off there feets.

It was not secret that there Chachu's treasured there nieces and daughters more than African blue diamond. But seeing them made Vamu miss her dad more than anything.

"We're great but we have someone to introduce you to.. " Ziva said putting her arms around Vamika's shoulder.

"Meet Vamika Sharma. Our new teammate." Ziva said as Sonu had to grip Gracy's hand tighter to fight the horror.

"W-What? Nice to meet you Vamika" Sonu said a bit breathlessly. "Nice to meet you too sir!" Vamu said cheerfully.

"Don't call me sir!! I'm old but it makes me feel even more old!! Anyways call me Chachu. I'd feel terrible if you don't!!" Sonu said as he patted her head.

"Now can we leave?" Gracy asked while playing with Ziva's hairs. "Yes my impatient daughter"

"Thank you my patient dad" Gracy said as they sat inside Sonu's car.

"You know what dad? Vamika is quite the Player!! You should watch her bat sometimes.." Gracy said as Vami blushed at the compliments.

"Also Chachu. She is quite a good sneaky Hamster too." Ziva said with a smirk as Vami looked at her horrified.

Sonu chuckled while driving, "The girls sneaked into the swimming pool at 1 AM! Can you believe it!!" Gracy yelled outraged.

"And they didn't even care to invite me!!!" "That's more like my daughter/friend" Sonu and Ziva said as Gracy made an offended face and Vamika laughed.

Ziva smiled happy seeing her smiling, the lunch was great specially for Sonu, he had some good time with the kids but as they came back. He had gave a warning to both Ziva and Gracy.

"She is not our Vami. Don't keep your hopes up babies. Or you'll hurt yourself"

Ziva sighed before picking up her phone, the team had decided that they would call the new debutants parents to the match as a token of care.

She called the number she had gotten from the managing team, "Hello?" A gruff voice said from the other side.

"H-Hello? Is this Vamika's father?" Ziva asked nervously, "Yes? Who's speaking? Did something happen to my daughter?!!" He asked angrily that it almost made Ziva flinch.

"No! Vamika is completely fine, sir. Myself Ziva Singh Dhoni. The captain of the squad." She said as Vi stopped his moments.

Nush who was beside him froze too, "hello? Sir are you still there" Ziva asked as Vi mumbled a 'yes'

"Wo as you might know, it's Vamika's debuts day after tomorrow.. our team feels like it'd be thoughtful for you and your wife to join us at her debut as a suprise for Vamika" Ziva said as Virat dreaded to say no.

"I-I sincerely apologise (cringing hard) mam-"

"Sir please don't embarass me. Call me Ziva. You're older than me and don't apologise" Ziva said as she felt herself grimace at the word 'mam'

"We can't make it.. we really can't" Vi said as Nush looked down sadly.

"Oh" Ziva couldn't help but be disappointed, "what about your wife?"

"She is sick.. " Vi said as Nush glared at him, "I'm so sorry!! Is she alright or is the condition serious?" Ziva said worriedly.

"S-She'll be fine in a matter of time. Please don't-" "Yeah ofcourse sir. I won't tell Vamika a word.. " Ziva said, by her voice anyone can depict the worry in it and that made Nush almost cry.

"I just wish if someone would be here from her family.. " Ziva said as Vi looked over to Nush and he knew he would never hear the end of this yet he did, "Um if you don't mind. My younger son, he'd love to come there" he said stepping away seeing Nush's glare.

"No!!" Anushka whispered to him while glaring at him. Vi ignored her glares.

"Ofcourse sir!! I'll sent a flight ticket and make all the arrangements. Don't worry I'll pick him myself and drop him off safely.." Ziva said as she bid farewell not knowing she just talked to the person they were searching from 4 years.

After the call, Ziva made the flight arrangements and sent it through email.

Here, Vi was getting lectured by Nush that how immature he is. "What were you thinking Vi!?!"

"About our daughter Nush! We can't go there when every child's parents go to there daughter's debut with pride! Imagine how she must be feeling!! Besides no one knew about our second child's name!! No one will ever know.. not even our family"

Nush just looked at him before she sat beside him. "She grew up so much didn't she? Captain of the squad" Nush said with pride in her voice. Vi smiled with nostalgia.

"I'm happy atleast they know each other.. I'm happy with this Nush" Vi said as Nush nodded and put her head on his shoulder.

"Do you know our Sammy is making Debut alongside Vami." Vi told her making her eyes widened. "Really? Vi you tell me nothing!"

"You hate the game!" Vi defended himself, "I hate the game not my nieces and nephews!"

"Okay.. I'll from now on. I'll keep you updated about everything. Oh do you know! My Rahuliya's daughter is selected for U19 women's team!" Vi said with glee.

"She must be- 17 now" Nush said with amazement in her voice.

"It's so hard Vi.. " Nush said as Vi hugged her and replied-"It's not hard Nush. It was impossible. But this world is ruthless.. it's hard to live in it and it's even harder to be a good person while living in it.. "

Suggest a lead for Gracy please

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