cold shoulders..

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Vamu was glaring at the person sitting in front of her. Angad who was not backing out just glared back at her.

Sammy who had enough just slammed her hands on the table making Agu jump in his seat.

"Will you two stop!?!!" She said in annoyance.

Vamu sighed before she picked up the menu. "I will just have some grilled chicken with some salad" Vamu said as Sammy made a face at her.

"What? We have our debut coming up this week Sam se can't eat unhealthy food!!" Vamu said glaring at her, "Fuck you!!" Sammy said as Vami ignoring her order for her too.

"I'll just have plane salad and some Palak soup" Angad said as Agu ordered-"Butter Garlic naan and chicken for me please!"

The other three gave him looks specially Sammy, "We don't have matches this entire month!!" Agu grinned at Sammy who threw a pleading look at Vamu, she just shook her head.

"So Vamika? Where are you from?" Agu asked, "I'm from Jharkhand, my family lives there but we're Punjabi." She said as Agu gave her a nod.

"What does your dad do?" Sammy asked nervously as Angad and Agu gave her a look, "Oh my dad is a teacher at our nearby government school"

"Oh.. " Sammy said as her mood turned sour. "That's nice." Agu said cheerfully to block Sammy's plane and rude reply.

The four had there food and went back to the hotel as Sammy was silent the whole ride. Vamika didn't knew why her mood did a 180° flip but she didn't like it.

As the car reached the hotel, Sammy turned to Vamika and said-"Go ahead, I'll join you"

Vamika nodded before she replied-"Thanks for the dinner. It was nice to meet you Agastya" Agastya gave her a smile before she left.

"Sammy that was rude!!" Angad said turning to her as Sammy replied-"She is not Vami" she leaned into the seat more as Agastya shook his head.

"That's not a reason to blow her off like that. You shouldn't hurt her that way Sam" Agu said as the three got out of car.

"I don't care.. " Sammy mumbled, "Yeah well we do! She is still your teammate!!" Agu said as Sammy glared at him.

Before the two could get into a verbal spat, there pseudo parents had returned.

"Why the hell are you two fighting?" Zora asked shaking his head as Angad hugged Zuva followed by Agu as Sammy hugged Zora.

Angad told everything to Ziva who in turn glared at Sammy. "What's wrong with you?!" Ziva said as her stress had already piled over and Sammy was not helping.

"She is still your teammate Sammy! And I told you to leave this matter to us!! We find the lead and you follow!" Ziva said in a calm tone that scared the shit out of the four of them.

"Ziva? Butterfly how about we calm down?" Zora tried, key words tried to calm her anger but one glare from her and he was as Good as dumb.

"Samaira this is your last warning! If I see you acting out like this then you're out of the plan for good!!" Ziva said as Sammy was on the verge of tears.

"The full name. I'm scared" Agu told Angad and Zora who nodded.

Ziva left the place after having the last word as Sammy ran off to her room.

Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest knew better to barge in specially when Ziva is angry so they went back.

Sammy was inside the gym running on the treadmill. Her anger vented out on the speed as she stopped herself from crying.

"Tiring yourself will not make Ziva di forgive you" Arya said coming inside the gym. "Yeah but it'll make me forget that she shouted at me for a stranger!" Sammy snapped.

Arya sighed before stopping the treadmill, "This is why you need to get this Sam! It's not healthy! She is not a stranger. She is still our teammate!!"

"Oh then I'll treat her like one!" Sammy said walking off the gym angrily. "Telling ya. We have been spoiling her too much! Ziva and Zora are not good parents" Nidhu said sarcastically.

"Well if kids are like you then it's not the parents fault. In your case not Chachi's fault" Arya spoke with a smile earning a dramatic gasp in return-"What do you mean by that!?!!"

Well clearly Riva failed in keeping Jaddu's dramatic gene away from Nidhanya🤣

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