the craziness has passed on..

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Ziva who was sitting in the lounge was deep in her thoughts, Ziva remembered the day she got to know that a new debutant was coming. She also remembers freezing hearing the name.


Sighing she thought to herself-'Only if it was our Vamu'

Just then she felt someone pinching her waist making her jump a bit.

She glared at the person who just gave her a cheeky smile, "Hi Lovey!" Gracy, Gracia Raina said as she grinned at her best friend who was giving her death glares.

"You scared the shit out of me!" Ziva said in dis-belief, "Language Ziva!" Gracy said in a mock posh tone.

Ziva just rolled her eyes, "Where were you lost? I called you like 10 times!!"

"Nowhere" Gracy gave her a look that said-'You can't lie to me'

"The new girl. She is here. Vamika" Ziva said as Gracy frowned hugging her knowing that's what she needs. "It's gonna be alright Ziva."

"I know Gracy, it has to be alright" Ziva said as they looked up when they heard the doors slam open.

Sammy stood there breathing heavily as Ziva sighed knowing what was coming, Sammy ran straight on her as Gracy saved herself by pushing herself away making it easier for Sammy to tackle Ziva.

"Thanks Gracy" Ziva said sarcastically, "Don't mention it"

"Ziva di!! Who is that girl!?!!" Sammy asked absolutely enraged.

"Sammy Calm down.. let me talk" Ziva said as Sammy shook her head looking mortified. "She is not our Vamika"

Ziva hated the look on Sammy's face, the disappointment. The hurt.

"Why is she in my room?" Sammy asked coldly as Ziva sighed trying to pull her into a hug but she didn't compile like a child who didn't get her favorite toy.

"She is your roommate. Duh!" Gracy said shrugging, "Why is she my roomate??!"

"Vamu! You're gonna be debuting with her! The two of you might end up being good friends!" Ziva tried to make her understand as Sammy gritted her teeth-"She will never be my friend!!"

"Sammy be careful with your words! She is still our team mate!" Ziva said strictly as Sammy looked away.

"I'm leaving!!" Sammy said as Ziva went behind her to pacify her.


Arya had gone back to her room, Vamu here was unpacking and talking to Akaay.

"Yeah! Everyone is cool here!" Vamu said as Akaay asked her-"Well be a bit greatful that you have met so many stars in a day!!"

"Yeah yeah whatever you say" Vamu said as her door was banged open and in came a girl she didn't meet yet but knew very well, Gracia Raina.

"Oh you sure as hell look like her" Gracy mumbled to herself but much to her notice, Vamu heard it.

"Um Hi mam" Vamu said hanging up nervously as Gracy glared at her.

Gracy room predatory steps towards Vamu, 'Is she mad at me? Did I do something wrong? Will they send me back home?'

"Call me mam again and I'll skin you alive. (Grinning) Call me Gracy di!" Vamu looked at her wide eyes as she switched faster than tv channels.


"Oh you poor thing! Let me show you something exciting!" Gracy said dragging Vamu towards the door, "But my bag-"

"Ugh do it later!" Gracy shrugged as Vamu noticed that she was being taken to the room Arya said to stay away from.
"Um Arya mam has told me to not come anywhere near the person or there room"

"Ugh that buzkill! Aru is just being Dramatic! Ignore her! After all I'm an Angel!" Gracy said smiling innocently and Vamu still being safe from ICT's craziness trusted her.

Ziva who was coming back to her room she shared with Gracy heard some noises coming from their room, now noises are very normal.

Till it's human!!!

Ziva banged open the door only to see Vamu and Gracy looking up as if they were caught red handed.

"I just heard a bark!!" Ziva exclaimed, "Ugh well congratulations! You have officially lost it!!" Gracy said as Ziva gave her a look.

"Vamika? Was there a dog in this room? And I hate lies!" Ziva said looking at Vamu, "Um not technically"

"What?" Ziva mumbled, "I was in a video call with Tuffy!"

"Oh and a dog has phone?" Ziva said, "Well mum does and I called mum"

"Gracy you're too dumb to lie sometimes! Your phone is switched off!" Ziva exclaimed pointing to the discarded phone at the coffee table cause Gracy forget to charge it.

"What are you hiding?!!!" Ziva asked glaring at the duo as Vamika cowered behind Gracy making Ziva guilty.

"I-I just tell me guys!" Ziva said done with this, "Well don't shout but Tuffy was feeling lonely at home." Gracy shrugged.

Ziva looked at her wide eyes,"Gracy don't tell me Tuffy is in this room"

"Okay no he is not here" Gracy shrugged with a smile.

Ziva sighed in relief only for Vamu to burst her bubble, "He is inside the oven"

"HE IS WHERE NOW!?!!" Ziva yelled as she ran towards the oven kept in there room and opened it taking out a Pomeranian puppy, Tuffy.

"I told you not to bring him on the tours!!! What part of it you didn't understand!!?!" Ziva yelled loosing it knowing very well if there coach, Smriti Mandana knew about it. They are done for.

"Well Tuffy was getting lonely!!" Gracy defended herself as there team piled inside there room.

"Ziva you do know that we are not allowed Puppies here" Arya said with dis-belief, "Tell that to this girl!!" Ziva said Pointing at a nonchalant Gracy.

"Gracy!! Tuffy is going back tomorrow! Vamika! Girls! Go to your room!" Ziva said as Gracy whined. "My Tuffy!"

"Well tomorrow is still 10 hrs away. Come here Tuffy" Nidhanya Jadeja said grinning at Tuffy who woofed.

"I'm done for the day!" Ziva said as Vamika came back to her room having mid life crises.

"What if they send me back? OMG no! What if Gracy mam gets angry on me! OMG what if Ziva Mam gets angry on me!!!" Vamu exclaimed as she heard a Snicker from the door.

Nidhanya stood at the door trying to control her laughs.

"You're right. You should be scared of Ziva" Nidhu said dramatically, she inherited it. Don't question it.

"Really?" Vamu asked getting even more scared, "Ofcourse! After all few days ago she almost killed Gracy for coming late on the field!" Nidhu snickered.

"I'll be up at 5! No no! 3!" Vamu said as Nidhu looked at her weirdly, "The practice doesn't start before 7!"

"Just in case I get late or something happens like the lift doesn't work or the food takes time"

"Yeah or the plane crashes right in front of your door" Nidhu said sarcastically as Vamu blushed in embarrassment.

"And what's with mam? Just call her Ziva or didi. She looks scary but trust me, she is a softie at heart" Nidhu said jumping on the bed.

"Oh.." Vamu said realising she was teasing her, "Well welcome to the team. It sucks"

"Why?" "Cause we all are crackhead" Nidhu shrugged as she picked up the phone kept on the side table.

"It's Samaira's phone" Vamu pointed out, "And?"

"Another rule, No privacy kid. You might have one choclate but it must be divided into equal pieces even if it's the last piece of your gems. Gosh you're so lucky to have me teach you everything" Nidhu exclaimed.

"I have heard that! Regina George!!" Vamu said as Nidhu smirked, "Mean Girls?"

"Yeah! Well mom likes to watch it." Nidhu chuckled and said-"Great taste"

"You're up for a ride kid"

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