The audience is shown a memory

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"Hey!" He opened his eyes as he heard a voice, "Wake up! Who are you?" he asked.

"I'm... I'm... I came with the army! I think I got left behind." He said as he stood up, "where am I? Who are you!"

"Hey, Hey relax. Don't kill me. You seem too young for an army?"

"I'm 23, nothing is late. Where am I?"

"You're in Sangla."

"What is that?" The man who had fallen behind around.

"It's a place, my home. Come with me, you're in need of some medical attention. I'll help you." The young man said, he was roughly 20 years old too.

The 23 Year old pulled out his pistol from his waist and said, "Stay away! Stay away." He motioned him to go away but the 20 Year stood there with a smile.

"That gun looks vintage! What is it?"

"Is this a joke to you?" 23 Year old words.

"Funny would be you killing me for waking you up! wow."

"Stay Away."

The 20 Year old ducked and then pushed his hand towards the 23 year old hands and held it up in the air and banged the 23 Year old's head.

The gun fell out of his hand and the 20 year old catched it and backed up a few feet.

"Liked it?" He asked.

"Ouch... that was..."

"A nice trick?"

"Yeah. Where did you learn it? Are you in the Army too?"

"Nah, the Army is not my type."

"Oh, so what is your type?"

"Umm... fighting someone stronger than me? Like the Army. Though my type gets a little boring too, the Company doesn't send high ranked officials here to Sangla. So I'm stuck with... beginners."

"Huh.. like me right?"

"Yes and No. You're a beginner but not like them."

"Not like them?"

"Yes Sir." The 20 Year Old said as he returned the gun.

"You're returning me this?"

"Oh, you won't kill me."

"I can capture you and bring you to the camp."

"You don't know my name and so I'll escape."

"I know the face."

"I know Sangla brother. This whole valley, the mountains, the rivers. You may have a map but I am one."

"You're impressive. And that Gun trick was..."

"You want to learn it?"

"What? You would teach me?"

"Yeah," The Twenty Year old sounded like a kid trying to show off his skills, but with a cute and innocent smile, "Please let me teach it."

"Wow. Sorry but I have to go, they will know I'm missing."

His face torn down as he said, "No one wants to learn man!" He then did a little bit of anger dance. Like throwing his arms in the air and pulling it back down very fast.

"But... I am free early before tomorrow morning."

"Early in the morning?"

"Is that a problem?"

"No Problem."

"But where?"

"Here. Come here and I'll show you places where we can practice."

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