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"Tell us now." Cliff asked Raju. "You knew them?"

Raju shook his head. They were at the maze of the jungle. They found two people spying on them, and how they let them escape made him irritated.

"Then why did you act like you were shocked?" Cliff asked. They were edging the exit of the place. It had been half an hour of rest for them, the two spies must have escaped, Cliff thought.
"I was shocked seeing them. That's all."
"If, I came to know that they were plotting something with you, then see. I am saying you will fail, and then die. We are always two steps ahead."
Raju looked up and said, "I dont know. All I know is, I will help you and then you will help me."

"Dinner." Raju heard George say as he climbed down his horse and tied it to a tree nearby.
Raju saw soldiers lit fire and stand as guard. Twenty soldiers were present there, he counted.

What was Parth thinking? Suicide? He was angry and confused so as to why Parth was here? He was glad he escaped, but next time if he comes he won't.

Everyone sat cross legged forming a circle around the fire as a soldier went around distributing paper plates.

Cliff sat in front of Raju across the fire. Raju kept glancing up seeing him but Cliff didn't once look at Raju, his eyes were fixed on the fire.

"... and here is yours sir." The soldier said as Cliff came back from his thoughts and wiped his eyes.

The food was served after a few minutes.

"Captain," The one sitting beside Raju called out, "looks like the boy is having some trouble eating."

Raju kept his eyes on his plate as he heard everyone laughing.

"He's not used to this food," he heard someone say, "he is used to some good food I think. Is this not good little boy?"

Again, everyone laughed. He was feeling angry, scared and quietly started eating.

He didn't know what the others were doing but he said out loud, "We don't get the good food you are talking and laughing about. We, my parents and others, work for it. Grow it," he looked up and fixed his eyes on Cliff, everyone was listening to him as he said, "I guess the people around the food makes the Food good, so sorry if I'm thinking this is bad food." He didn't wait to see anyone's reaction as he fixed his eyes back on the plate.

"Kid has some balls." He heard.

"We are not the bad kid, but can't say if we are the good ones too."

He heard whispers he couldn't pick up. But not once did he hear Cliff's voice. He looked up and saw Cliff looking at Raju.

"Hey Captain, can we..." Raju heard one of the soldiers asking, "Do it?"

He looked up and saw Cliff looking at the man but still leaned ahead, his elbows at his knees as he nodded. Raju heard a loud cheer.

"Who'll start?" Cliff asked, "Today two new members will join."

"You and..."

"The kid."

"Sir he doesn't know how to sing or dance, he's a kid."

"Kid's know the best how to sing and dance."

Raju still couldn't get what was going on.

His head was hung low, seeing his shoes and rubbing them against the sand as he felt the fire going off and darkness surround the place. He felt confused and relieved, no one can see him. He then saw someone lighting a torch, the single source of light, as Raju saw him standing and then with a deep breath and opening a bottle he shouted, "I, Oliver, by opening this bottle of Davies'45, the bottle from our England! start this ceremony!", he said, and started singing.


Time passed and after an hour Cliff looked at Raju again. Trying to hide his smile and showing off his dance beats; acting like he was forced to dance when he was enjoying it. Cliff smiled. 

He saw a hint of the Chief in Raju.

"Sir," Came a soldier riding on a horse through the dark jingles.
"Yes?" Cliff asked, everyone still on their celebrations. Drinking and now people had started to dooze off.
"Sir, I found it. The thing you told to search for."

LOVE, LIVE, DIE | A TREASURE HUNT STORYTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang