Closing In

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"Fast!" Sarman said to the group. They were crossing the last few space of the grasslands. A mountain and then god knows what behind it lies in front of them.

"Are you sure this is the correct spot?" Sarman asked The head as he neared towards him.

"Yeah. I've been going on this spot for years." He said proudly.

"What is behind it?" Sarman asked again.

"I won't tell you. Its better you see it yourself." The head said again.

"Oh god! Don't just.... okay. How much more till we reach the place?" Sarman asked and looked at The head.

"More Three days and two nights my friend. And time don't change every hour, so stop asking me again and again and learn to count yourself."

"Move fast then." Sarman said as he increased his pace.

"Hey!" The head called out as Sarman turned back. "You know half of our people haven't slept last night because of that man of yours. Then also –"

"Not my fault." Sarman said raising his hand.

"It is! We were doing what you asked for!" The head stormed forward.

"No! You did extra! So, not my fault if they haven't slept or have. You think I have slept? No, the only thing I want now is to reach that damn treasure as fast as I can!" Sarman shouted as his voice echoed back till the last of tired soldiers. Nobody has died, but three have serious injuries. 

Sarman hadn't spoken anything about last night up until then. When he heard that they tried to kill Vikram and that he ran away, he looked in a distance for some time, nod and then told to continue the journey. He hasn't changed, but if someone looked closely they would see. Something was troubling him.

Sarman's mind was clear and cut. Treasure was and is the only destination he looked forward to. The Britishers the only problem. Nothing else.

It took another three hours in the bright golden sun till they reached the top of the mountain. Three hours mixed with Two resting periods, three speeches from Sarman about reaching up as fast as they can and one break for the breakfast they have so politely missed. 

"Please let this be worth it!" Sarman said to the head as he crawled the last few steps to reach the top, like everyone else. Holding the tree branches and then leaning against it, he saw what was on the other side. Fog, or clouds, covered their visibility. It felt cold, chilly around there.

He dragged himself forward, narrowing his eyes and waving off the fog as if it would help. And then he saw it. Black Clouds. Now that's not a surprise one likes to see when travelling. His eyes rest on The head as he came up. "This!?"

"What?" The head breathed deeply and then look forward. "Oh, this? Don't worry. The clouds are always like this here."

"Is this what was the surprise, huh? Please say no." Sarman asked as more soldiers made their way to the top, looking happy that they reached the top and that Sarman wasn't moving but arguing. In their, soldiers, personal opinion of the last full twenty-four hour day, an argument can result to fifteen minutes of break for them. They welcomed it with tired smiles.

"No. Look there, past the clouds as far as the eyes could see." The head said as he crouched down on his tree and closed his eyes to rest before saying, "And I'm hungry. So are they."

Sarman, looking at the group to make sure they all are there, and hoping that this tiresome journey was worth it, looked out to where the Head had pointed; to their far right.

Cool breeze rushed against his face as he walked forward near the highest raised ground. Below the mountain they were standing upon, flowed a river. Dark trees marking the end of the mountain on the rivers right side and rocks scattered all around its left side as much as he can see. Everything looked small and the breeze smelled fresh. Fresh and chilled. Sarman closed his eyes and let it all in. 

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