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Her voice when she spoke was soft, low, depressed and heavy,
"I want to go home." Even when she knew deep down, the treasure was the way to their new home, to Vikram, to her only friends and to the answer of all the speechless words they had.

It has been six hours since their escape from the house. Injuries, blood and pain was found common. They were hiding inside the jungle, far away from the house and after changing the directions many times. 

Thick old trees lay before them, their branches hanging as low till their waist. Thorns too were added to their problem of travelling and they can only walk during Daylight. Night was too dark and scary. 

"So," Rajeev said as Ravi was wiping out the blood off his brother's arm, and Laura Dada's, "Ravi here is the reason you are alive?"

"And you too." Laura pointed out.

"And me too."

"Yes. It was his idea to block the door with the bed and the chairs and then stay there, shouting and doing things which made them think that we all were in there, with guns. Of cource we were with guns, but we didn't used them."

"Why?" Rajeev couldn't understand the logic in here.
"Why? We could have killed someone!" Laura shouted for what looked like the third time. All for the same reason.

"So its okay if our lives go away, but nor theirs?" 

"JUST SHUT UP!" Laura shouted and gave the look which made everyone quiet; even the birds.
"You weren't there! We were. So please..." She got up and walked towards the broken-branches-jungle.

"It was me who woke you all up!" Rajeev shouted but Laura was out of view.

Rajeev sighed and leaned back, closing his eyes against the tree. Ravi got up and raced after Laura.

"Laura! Laura!"

"What?" Laura said as she turned fast to face Ravi. Ravi was shocked for a bit. Laura was crying. She had hugged herself and was avoiding eye contact. Her clothes were torn apart at the edges since the fight, and dirt covered her face. She turned back to walk forwards. Ravi shook his head and followed her.

"Hey Laura! I'm..." 'Sorry? Is that right to say now?' Ravi placed his hand on Laura as she stopped, still looking forward.

"Laura... please talk to me. I promise I won't talk like that."

"I miss him Ravi... I miss him." She said and crouched down in the nearest tree. Ravi bend down slowly and asked, "Who?"

She wiped her eyes and then shook her head, looking forward. Ravi thought of Vikram but shook his head to it.

"Everything will be –"
"Don't say okay!" Laura interrupted. Her voice changed. Bold and loud now.
"Just... I'm sorry."
"For what? Sorry isn't going to solve what just happened?" She said and then turned towards Ravi. He saw her eyes glow with the words unsaid. Like she wanted to so much say something, but was holding it. "Ravi, we could have been killed! KILLED!"

"I know."

"Just.. think. What would have happened... I mean. I just... how? Ravi, how? All we wanted was a treasure, right? Did we did something wrong? Did we give in to greed? That's why two people tried to kill us, kill me, in two days?"

"This is what it means to go against the British Laura. This is nothing compared to what we will go through if we are captured."

"I know that. I came to this group from myself, with the hope of avenging my family. It's just.. it's hard to do without him."

"Laura... I... uhhh... Love you." Ravi said as he hunged his head low and his eyes raised up, looking at her and waiting for an answer. Thinking at least one thing go right in this day.
"WHAT?" her shout was said it all. The voice, the tone and the shock, all word leading to one thing: "How can you love me? Ravi? Look up?"
Ravi looked up, eyebrows raised and a worried look in his face.
"What is the deal with you and your brother? And no Ravi, i don't love you."
She kept trying to explain herself, trying to control her anger and pity. He didn't care. 'How can I think of that... how can I think of loving her?' the voice repeating in his mind. He heard Laura got up and leave towards the place they came from. Leaving Ravi alone. Like he liked it. Or like he was used to.

LOVE, LIVE, DIE | A TREASURE HUNT STORYWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu