Chapter 27: Guardian Rising PT:1

Start from the beginning

I nodded.
"I literally feel like The Walking Dead."

Komand'r sat there and pouted in a sexy but adorable way.
"Bumgorf, why didn't you include me?"

"It literally happened faster than Thanos snapping his fingers. Also you weren't here, maybe if you were..."
I say as I looked to Ivy and Harley who winked and stuck her tongue out at me as she smiled and raised her eyebrows rapidly.

Komand'r, Jinx, Harley and Ivy giggled all at once.
"Maybe next time."

"Holy shit!"
Leslie exclaimed, causing us all to avert our attention to her as we gathered around.
"Check out this tasty sound byte."

"This is Vicky Vale reporting live from Elliot Memorial Hospital where Former District Attorney Harvey AKA Two Face is being released from the Psych Ward."
She said as a crowd of people who were both protesting for and against this.
"Harvey Dent had been incarcerated  for his past crimes against Gotham before being released into the care of Dr. Bartholomew Wolper, head of Arkham's Home for the Emotionally Troubled."

As we watched the event that was unfolding, Dr. Wolper took a moment to throw in his two cents before introducing Harvey as he took to the podium.
"I know that there are many people who I don't have the right to ask for forgiveness after my crimes in the past. I hurt and... killed so many people, but thanks to my Psychiatrist Dr. Wolper and my plastic surgeon Dr. Albert Ekhart that I am now of a single sound mind and body once again."

Vicky Vale being the reporter she is put herself in front of everyone else so that she could be the one to ask him herself.
"How do we know that what your saying is true Mr. Dent, how can we be sure that you won't revert back to your former ways?"
Harvey held up his hand as he was bombarded by all the other reporters. They all waited with baited breath as he went into his suit jacket and pulled out a coin. He then went on to show that the other side matched the other, both sides being unscratched.

"Huh, looks like Harv is actually serious about this."
Harley said, being the first one to have an opinion on the matter.

"Well I guess we'll see just "how" serious he is."
Ivy added.

"What happened exactly to make him how he is or, was I should say?"
Komand'r asked.

"About 15 years ago the old crimes families were on a rise. Batman, Commissioner Gordon, and Harvey Dent had all teamed up to stem the tide of the Mafia and bring an end to organized crime. However during one of the trials during this time, one of members of the Maroni family took to the stand as Harvey stood as the prosecutor. He got splashed with a special kind of acid that was strong enough to eat even through concrete. Somehow he survived but half of his body was scared. The pain and mental anguish caused him to have a split personality. From there his whole shtick was wearing a suit that was half white and half black and leaving all decisions up to a coin toss. One side being normal, and the other being scratched out."
When I explained this Jinx let out a whistle.

"*Whistle* Damn, how'd he look before this?"
She asked, Ivy immediately pulled up an old picture of the infamous Two-Face.
"Luck sure wasn't on his side..."

"Ugh, that's knarly! And I've seen road kill prettier than that."
Leslie exclaimed.

Caitlin said as she nodded.

Just then my phone buzzed and naturally I checked to see what it was.
"Hate to break it to you ladies, but Cleo is calling me in today."

"Awww, but why Mista D?!"
Harley whined with an adorably cute pouty face.

"Truck order, typically Luis would be the one to do so but he's out with a fever."
I quickly gave her, Ivy, Komand'r, and Jinx a kiss before hurrying off to get ready.

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