Chapter 20

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Draco enters the Great Hall a few seconds after Y/N, spotting Blaise sitting at the Slytherin table.

He sits down next to Blaise, Crab and Goyle nowhere to be seen. "Lucky seeing you here." Draco says.

"Yeah, so when are we gonna smoke? Right after dinner or when?" Blaise asks, curious about when and where it's gonna happen.

"After dinner sounds good." Draco replies, grabbing some chicken. Blaise nods, chewing on some chicken as well.

"By the way, I saw you at the audition for the Quidditch team. Did you audition?" Blaise asks.

"Yeah I actually did. Pansy kind of made me do it." Draco replies, looking down at his plate.

They continue their conversation while they're eating, talking about quidditch, their classes, but not changing a word about Y/N.

After about half an hour and a few eye contacts between Y/N and Draco, Blaise and Draco decide to leave the Great Hall to smoke some weed.

They walk to the Clocktower courtyard, Blaise talking about his excitement to smoke weed again.

They both sit down on one of the stone benches and Draco starts rolling two joints. While he's doing that, Blaise asks something.

"So, what has been going on between you and Y/N?" Blaise asks, smiling at Draco.

"Dude, give me a second, I'll tell you when I'm finished with rolling these two joints!" Draco laughs.

Blaise nods waiting for Draco to finish and looks up into the stars.

"Do you know if those three stars there next to each other are part of a constellation?" Blaise asks, pointing at three stars, that are close together.

"It's actually part of the constellation called Orion I think. It's his belt or something." Draco mumbles, just loud enough for Blaise to hear him.

"Interesting..." Blaise replies, still waiting for his joint. Draco finally finishes rolling the two joints and hands one to Blaise.

"Thank you bro" Blaise says and Draco just nods, handing him the lighter. Blaise lights his joint and takes a few puffs.

Draco does so as well and sighs. After a few minutes, they feel the weed kicking in and they both simply feel good.

"Alright, so now that we're high, tell me about Y/N." Blaise says, sounding like he's really high, which he probably is as well.

"Okay so, I think she was interested in me immediately, like already during the Sorting Ceremony, she kept looking at me." Draco explains.

"Really? Didn't she say she liked Potter?" Blaise responds.

"I think she was just playing. Well so after we all smoked weed together, you know me, you, Crab and Goyle, I bumped into her on my way back to the castle. She kind of caught me being high, and wanted to know where I got it."

"So I told her, but in exchange I wanted her to teach me how to roll a joint. So she did. We smoked together a few times and well she slept in my dorm twice." Draco continues.

"Y/N smokes weed? That's crazy." Blaise replies.

"If you know her, it's kind of understandable, with all the family stuff she has going on. She can be pretty weird sometimes."

"Yeah, I get that, but why is she being weird sometimes?"

"Well, she kind of ignored me for nearly a week. I mean she kind of had her reasons but you know."

"Why? What did you do wrong?" Blaise laughs.

"We both got caught high and McGonagall supected Y/N of selling weed, so she didn't want to be seen with me, because people would suspect shit like that."

"Makes sense, why weird though?" Blaise asks.

"Well after a week, she just got back to me and didn't care anymore about others. I don't know why she changed her mind, but yeah."

"Interesting, well know to the important questions, how far did y'all go though?" Blaise asks.

"Well she gave me a blowjob in the shower." Draco replies, not making a big deal out of it.

"That escalated quickly. But nice bro! I'm kind of jealous to be honest. Y/N is looking really good." Blaise responds, still very high.

"Yeah, I'm meeting her again after this, we'll se what happens then." Draco grins.

The two continue talking about many things, enjoying the weed and the peace they're able to feel once.

They talk about both of their family issues, the Dark Lord, Blaise's love life and a lot more of both of their issues.

After about two hours, they both decide to get back to their dorms and walk there together. At a staircase in the Slytherin Common Room their ways part.

"See you at breakfast bro." Draco says. Blaise nods and says so as well "See you too."

Draco returns to his dorm and enters it. Without looking at the bed, he closes his door behind him.

Only then, he sees Y/N laying on his bed, only in underwear, looking at him.

"What are you doing here?" Draco asks, still very high.

"You invited me, dumbass." Y/N laughs

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