Chapter 14

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A few minutes later, Draco arrives at his dorm. All he's doing now is wait for Y/N to show up so they can continue making out.

After a few minutes of waiting, Draco hears a knock on his door. He walks towards the door and opens it, expecting Y/N.

He opens the door, ready to pull another flirty joke, but when he opens the door while leaning on the door frame, outside is no one else than Dolores Umbridge.

As Draco likes to call her "Umbitch" or "Dolores Pleasefallofabridge". Draco sighs, seeing the fully dressed in pink lady standing in front of his dorm.

"Hello Professor, what can I do for you?" Draco asks, trying to sound as polite as possible, considering how annoyed he is.

"Hello Mr. Malfoy, yes actually there is something you could do for me.", Umbridge replies in her, just like always, incredible annoying voice.

"Well, what would that be?" Draco asks, hoping that it wasn't gonna take long, since Y/N could arrive any second.

"Actually, I am here to tell you something from your father. I have told him about the incident, where you were under the influence of a certain drug and he said, if you were ever caught under the influence of such drugs, he would put you out of this dirty school full of Mudbloods." Umbridge says.

Dracos eye twitches, hearing Umbridge talk about Mudbloods, knowing that he had been smoking weed with a Mudblood and even slept in one bed with a Mudblood multiple times during the last week.

"Okay Professor, thank you for the information, but may I please enjoy my weekend now?" Draco says, not even trying not to sound annoyed, as he closes the door.

Draco sighs. "Hopefully Y/N doesn't run into her on her way here." He thinks, knowing how Umbridge wouldn't like seeing a girl on her way to the boy dorms.

A few minutes later, someone's knocking on Draco's door again. He opens the door and all he sees is Y/N rushing past him into the dorm, signalising him to quickly close the door.

"Why in such a rush? Can't wait to make out with me or what?" Draco jokingly says, smirking at Y/N.

"Very funny Draco, very funny. I was actually running away from Umbridge. What was that crazy bitch doing in front of the boy dorms?" Y/N replies, gasping for air, sounding like she ran.

"Dammit, I feared that that would happen. She knocked on my door and told me something about what my father thinks about me being caught high and bla bla bla. I didn't even really listen to her." Draco explains.

"Oh yeah that makes sense. To be honest I just put on my hood and ran past her." Y/N replies.

Draco looks into Y/Ns eyes, then on her lips and back into her eyes. He slowly walks towards her and puts his hands around her waist.

Just like a few hours before, he leans into a kiss and their lips collide. Draco's tongue slowly enters Y/Ns mouth, fighting with her tongue.

Their kiss gets more and more passionate and they both walk towards the bed, while they're kissing.

Y/N falls onto the bed, Draco climbing on top of her, continuing their passionate kiss.

He slowly kisses himself down to her sensitive neck, sucking and kissing it, leaving a few hickeys. Y/N moans softly, feeling his lips all over her neck.

He kisses every inch of her neck, until he goes back up, continuing their kiss. For Draco, everything just feels so natural.

It's like all he's ever wanted. They continue their passionate tongue kiss and Draco starts moving his hands under Y/Ns shirt.

Y/N gasps, feeling his cold hands on her soft and hot skin. He moves his hand to her back, trying t0 open her bra.

Y/N smiles into the kiss, as he feels him open her bra with only one hand. Draco slowly takes off Y/Ns bra, leaving her shirt on.

He slowly starts moving his cold hands over her sensitive nipples, causing them to turn rock hard in a few seconds.

Another thing that's rock hard by now is Draco's cock. Feeling Y/Ns body beneath him, kissing her passionately, moving their bodies in a sexual way was just too much for Draco.

There was no way, he wouldn't be hard by now after all the kissing, moaning and touching they had done. Y/N can feel Draco's erection as they're making out.

Draco continues stimulating Y/Ns nipples and kissing her passionately. He feels his already hard cock, get harder and harder by the second.

That's until someone knocks at the door again. At first Draco and Y/N don't hear them, but after a few seconds of even louder knocking they both hear it.

"Shit, who's that now?" Draco curses as he gets off Y/N, signalising her to go and hide in the bathroom.

Y/N nods and disappears into the bathroom. Draco makes sure his clothes and his hair look normal.

He stands in front of the door, trying to hide his erection as he opens it.


This was actually easier to write than I thought lol. Check out the next chapter to see who's at the door and how the two continue.

Your Love is like a Drug (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ