Chapter 6

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Before entering the Transfiguration Courtyard, Y/N stops and turns to Draco. "Okay Malfoy, just let me talk and listen" Y/N advises.

"Okay, but why?" Draco curiously asks. "Just do it Malfoy" Y/N replies. Draco nods and they both enter the Courtyard.

In the right corner a student is leaning against a pillar.

Y/N looks at Draco and nods, symbolizing that that has to be the guy thats selling the weed. They start walking towards him.

The guy raises his head and looks at them. He smiles. "Well, good to see some new clients. Malfoy, and who are you?", he looks at Y/N.

"Im Y/N, nice to meet you. Whats your name again?" she asks confidently.

"Im Paul, nice to meet you Y/N, and Malfoy. So what do you two want?" Paul asks.

"We both need some weed and tobacco. Malfoy also needs a grinder, papes and filters." Y/N answers, speaking for Malfoy, which he doesn't like at all.

"Alright, I see, Malfoy you smoking for the first time?" Paul asks Draco. "Nah just finally getting my own stuff you know?" Draco responds.

Paul gets some stuff out of his backpack and hands it to Draco. "That would be the grinder, the papes and the filters. So, how much weed and tobacco do y'all want?" Paul asks.

Y/N explains how much of what they need and looks over to Draco to give him an reassuring look.

They both hand Paul the money and even get all of their stuff packed in a little shopping bag. They leave the Courtyard afterwards.

"Well, that was a weird drug dealer. He even gave us bags and everything." Y/N says.

Draco simply nods and asks: "So when are you going to show me how I roll a joint?"

"I was thinking about now? Lets go to the Courtyard near the Great Hall, we'll be alone there." Y/N replies.

"That Courtyard? Thats so close to the teachers and the other students!" Draco answers.

"Oh come on Malfoy, they're all eating right now. Don't be such a pussy." Y/N mockingly says.

Draco rolls his eyes and walks to the Courtyard with Y/N.

They arrive in the Courtyard and sit down on one of the stone benches there.

Y/N starts explaining how to roll a joint, and gives Draco a step by step introduction.

While Y/N explains to Draco how to roll the joint, Draco looks into her eyes and smiles.

"What, Malfoy?" she asks confused. "Oh nothing", he looks back down and finishes rolling his first joint.

"Is this okay?" he asks. "Yeah that looks pretty good Malfoy. Now practice by rolling me one and then we smoke together." Y/N says.

"Okay, but im not taking my weed, I don't have that much."

"Yeah yeah whatever, take mine.", she hands him her weed and he rolls her a joint as well.

"Okay, here you go", he hands her the joint, "Here let me light it for you", he offers.

He takes his lighter and lights her joint. He looks into her eyes as he lights it and smiles.

She takes a few puffs and sighs. Draco lights his own joint and takes a few puffs as well.

They sit there next to each other for a few minutes, smoking their joints, not talking.

Y/N breaks the silence. "Malfoy, why do you act so nice around me?" she asks him.

"What do you mean, Mudblood?" Draco answers, feeling like he's been caught.

"Come on don't act like you aren't, Im not gonna tell anyone." Y/N replies and chuckles a bit.

"Oh fuck off Y/N, you're a dirty Mudblood, I only helped you so you would show me how to roll a joint." he replies in anger.

"Well then what was the question for, when we bumped into eachother last night?" Y/N asks, still not taking it serious.

"Fuck you Mudblood, go back to your Muggle Parents. Oh wait, you can't right? Well fuck off."

Draco stands up and walks away over the bridge. He continues smoking his joint.

After getting off the bridge he lays down into the grass, continuing to smoke his joint, trying to numb all of his feelings.

Why did he have to react like that, he thinks.

He just wants to stop thinking about his problems. He rolls another joint and smokes it, looking up in the sky, while he's laying in the wet grass.

After a while, he gets really hungry and decides to go into the Great Hall to eat something, not overthinking his actions and that people could notice that he's high.

He walks back over the bridge, hoping that Y/N isn't sitting in the Courtyard anymore.

Luckily she isn't. Draco enters the Great Hall. There's barely anyone left since it's nearly bedtime.

Draco decides to get some cookies and milk and take them to his room to eat them there.

On his way back the worst thing he could imagine happens. He bumps into Professor Snape, spilling some of the milk on him.

"Malfoy, how dare you spill that one me. Watch where you're going." Snape tells Draco in a strict tone.

"Oh yeah right, sorry Professor, I'll go back to my dorm, it's nearly bedtime-"

Snape grabs Draco by his arm, not letting him walk away. "Look me in my eyes, Malfoy." Snape orders, already realizing that Draco is probably high.

Draco looks Snape into his eyes and says: "Is there a problem Professor?" he replies, not getting that Snape realized that he's high.

Snape let's Malfoy go for the moment. "Go to your dorm, Malfoy. 10 points from Slytherin for not paying attention while walking. I'll talk to you tomorrow after class."

Draco nods and walks back to his dorm, where he eats all of the delicious cookies he brought from the Great Hall. After he finishes the food, he quickly falls asleep.

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