Chapter 19

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After some time, Y/N takes all of Draco's cock in her mouth and starts sucking it, continuing to circle its tip with her tongue.

Draco moves his cock back and forth within Y/Ns mouth, making her gag a few times. A few minutes pass.

"Fuck Y/N, I'm gonna cum!" Draco moans, a few seconds before Y/Ns mouth is filled with Draco's warm cum.

Y/N swallows it, smiles and gets back up. Draco grins at her and pulls her back into a kiss, moving his right hand back down to her pussy.

Just before Draco could reach it, Y/N stops him and grabs onto his hand. "I think I'll be alright." She smiles, winking at Draco and continuing to kiss him.

Still in their passionate kiss, Draco reaches back to turn the water to cold.

After a few seconds, the hot water that was streaming out of the showerhead, turns into cold water, making Y/N let go of Draco and gasp.

Draco lets out a sigh as he feels the cold water streaming over his hot body.

Y/N lets out a scream. "COLD!" She screams, clinging to Draco hoping that he'd warm her up.

Draco laughs. "No shit, Sherlock." He grins, looking down at her as she clings to his body.

He grabs her by her arms and gently pushes her away, letting her stand in the cold water, breathing heavily.

"Okay, now try to breathe really slowly. Don't hyperventilate." Draco tells her and she does as he says.

"Okay and now we count the seconds. Count to 60 with me. After these 60 seconds, I'll turn off the shower okay?" Draco suggests and Y/N nods.

They start counting together until they reach 60. Draco turns the cold water off, immediately feeling the warmth in his body.

Y/N looks at Draco. "I feel so... warm." She says, shocked by how good those 60 seconds were for her.

"Told you." Draco grins as he grabs two towels and hands one to Y/N. He then starts drying his hair and his body.

Y/N does so as well, wrapping her body in the towel as she steps out of the shower. They both get dressed.

Afterwards Draco lets himself fall on his bed, Y/N joining him, laying her head on his chest.

"I kind of have to agree with you. Cold showers are really underrated." Y/N says, smiling at Draco.

Draco smiles at Y/N and gives her a kiss on her forehead. Y/N gasps.

"You know what a kiss on the forehead means, right?" Y/N asks.

"Why? What does it mean?" Draco replies, confused about what Y/N is saying.

"It's a promise." Y/N smiles. Draco smiles as well and gives Y/N another kiss on her forehead.

They lay there in silence for a few minutes until Y/N breaks the silence by asking something.

"Wanna smoke some weed? The whole Quidditch audition thing is kinda fucking up my head right now." Y/N asks.

"I'm meeting Blaise to smoke together this evening so I won't smoke with you but you can smoke some if you want. It's in the drawer of my nightstand." Draco replies.

Y/N nods and opens the drawer, spotting not only the weed but also a few condoms and some lube.

She grins and grabs a condom from the drawer, looking at Draco showing it to him.

Draco grins as well. "Well if you want... I'm sure we'll both find some time after dinner." He says.

Y/N nods and puts the condom back, grabbing all the stuff she needs to roll a joint.

"I'm going on the balcony, you wanna come too?" Y/N asks. "Yeah sure." Draco agrees and gets up from the bed.

They're both standing on the balcony now, Y/N rolling herself a joint, Draco watching her soft hands hold onto the grinder as she grinds the weed.

He feels the slight breeze on his body, making him shiver. Y/N finishes rolling her joint and points at the lighter, trying to tell Draco that he should light it.

Draco nods and grabs the lighter. He gets closer to Y/N and lights the joint, Y/N trying to protect it from the wind.

Y/N takes a few puffs and sighs. "Thank you Draco." She looks at him, smiling. "Don't worry." He replies, smiling as well.

"No for real, I gotta get my own stuff again, I can't always smoke yours, you barely got anything anymore." She says.

"We could pay Paul a visit again sometime, if you want." Draco suggests, Y/N nodding and agreeing.

They spend the rest of the day together cuddling and talking about everything and everyone.

In the evening, they both walk to dinner together, making sure that if they see anyone, there's a distance between them.

Your Love is like a Drug (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now