Chapter 8

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"Okay, follow me Y/N." Draco laughs while he helps Y/N get up.

They walk over the wooden bridge and afterwards to the left, where they arrive at the Whomping Willow.

"Draco do you want to kill us? Why the Whomping Willow?" Y/N asks angrily, Draco not being able to take her seriously because she's so high.

"Y/N, dont worry!" Draco replies and casts "Immobilus!" at the Whomping Willow.

Its branches now only slightly move with the wind. "See Y/N? Not so bad, is it?"

"Yeah okay, now come on!" Y/N drags Draco to the Whomping Willow, letting herself fall to the ground.

So does Draco, falling into the fresh, wet grass.

They both lay on their backs and look up through the slightly moving branches of the Whomping Willow, into the sky.

"There look, you can see Orion! It's my favorite constellation!" Y/N says, looking into the sky with dreamy eyes.

Draco looks over to Y/N, her dreamy _____ eyes looking into the sky and her rosy lips, looking just perfect to kiss.

"Wait what am I thinking?" Draco stops his own thoughts. "Im Draco Malfoy, I don't fall in love" he thinks to himself.

"But maybe a little kiss can't hurt- No Draco get yourself together, you don't to that kind of stuff."his inner conflict continues.

"I think I gotta smoke another joint." he tells Y/N as he starts rolling it.

"Good idea, I'll roll myself one as well!" Y/N suggests, already getting out all of the stuff she needs.

Draco quickly grabs Y/Ns hands, so she can't do anything. "Hey, Draco that's mean! Why can you smoke one but I can't?" she asks in a sweet but angry tone.

"Because you are already high enough okay Y/N? You don't need any more." Draco lets Y/Ns hands go.

"Hm you're kind of right, can't smoke away all my weed in one day."

Draco lights his joint and starts smoking it. His inner conflict slowly starts disappearing and he again feels only the peace.

He looks over to Y/N and smiles at her. She smiles back "Seeing you smile is usually a rare sight, I think Im pretty lucky, since I already saw it multiple times." she chuckles.

Draco just continues smiling. He looks at his watch. "Shit it's this late already? Y/N we gotta go, I gotta bring you to your dorm!"

"Don't worry Draco, I can go on my own!"

"I can't let you walk back alone in the middle of the night. Also you probably wouldn't even find back." he laughs.

"Okay maybe you're right about that. So, we going or not?"

"Yeah yeah, don't rush" Draco stands up and helps Y/N stands up as well.

Together they walk back to the Slytherin Common Room, Y/N not even remembering the password to the Common Room.

"You really couldn't have done it on your own." Draco sighs. "I could have done it! If it wasn't for you, I would've returned earlier!"

"Yeah yeah, don't lie, Y/N"

They both enter the Common Room. Draco helps Y/N walk to the Entrance of the Girls Dorms.

"You remember which Dorm you're in?" "Uhmm wait, lemme think... I think it was... 69?"

"Y/N, thats a sex position, not your Dorm number." "Oh really? Forgot about that."

"Okay so we have a problem now. I can't come with you to search for your dorm so you'd have to do it on your own. Do I think you can do it on your own? No, I don't. So what do we do now?" Draco asks.

"I don't know, Im fucking high, you tell me." Y/N replies. Draco sighs.

"Well theres one option but Im not a fan of it." "And that option would be...?"

"You can sleep in my Dorm. There are no spells against girls in boy dorms so it should work. Also I have a huge bed, so no problem about that."

"Okay" Y/N replies. "Okay? Just okay?" "Yes, just okay, let's do it."

"Okay, come with me I'll bring you to my dorm" Draco tells Y/N.

He brings her to his dorm and opens the door. "This would be my dorm, don't mind the mess..."

Y/N doesn't care a bit and just immediately lets herself fall on the king sized bed and falls asleep.

"Oh come on, why on my side?" Draco asks loudly, Y/N not hearing him, already asleep.

Draco gently picks up Y/N and puts her on the other side of the bed, trying not to wake her up.

He succeeds and afterwards falls onto the other side of the bed and falls asleep immediately as well.


Another chapter over :( Next one in the next few days!

Your Love is like a Drug (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant