Chapter 3

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After unpacking all of his stuff, Draco still has about an hour, before he's meeting the others in front of the forbidden forest.

He decides to walk around the grounds for a bit and walks to the Clocktower Courtyard.

He sits down on one of the stone benches and looks up at the sky.

He breathes the cold air in and the silence just feels so good.

Draco didn't expect to see anyone there, but after looking around the Courtyard, he sees a slim silhouette walking on the bridge.

He decides to follow the person. "I've got enough time anyway, so why not follow them...", Draco thinks.

He gets up and walks to the bridge. As he walks over the bridge, he smells a slight note of cigarette smoke in the air.

Before he gets to the end of the bridge, he makes sure the person doesn't see him and waits for a few seconds.

Draco gets off the bridge, but the person is nowhere to be seen. All there is, is the slight note of smoke in the air.

He looks at the watch on his wrist. It's 9:55 already. „Shit Im gonna be late". He quickly walks to the Forbidden Forest.

When he arrives at the Forbidden Forest, everyone else is already waiting there.

"Yo Draco, whats up?", Blaise asks, "How's your dorm room?"

"Good to see y'all, I was hella lucky with my dorm room. Got one for my own.", Draco replies. "Damn, good for you Draco!", Goyle answers.

"Alright guys, y'all ready?", Crab asks, "Let's sit down on that bench over there."

They all sit down and Crab pulls out an already rolled joint. "I prepared this one beforehand." Crab hands Draco a lighter.

Draco lights the joint, takes a few puffs and passes it to Blaise.

He has the urge to cough but he tries holding it back. In that time Crab starts rolling another joint.

After a few minutes and a few more puffs, Draco feels it kicking in. Everything just feels so peaceful now.

All the anger, all the pain just disappears and it's just pure peace.

The others stopped talking as well. Draco looks up into the sky and just looks at the stars.

Crab passes Draco another joint, he takes a few puffs and passes it to Blaise.

They sit there like that for a few minutes, just enjoying the inner peace.

Draco breaks the silence. "So, what do y'all think about Y/N?", he asks. "What do you mean Draco? She likes Potter, what do you think we think about her? She's weird as hell!" Goyle replies, the others agreeing.

"I don't think she actually likes Potter... She doesn't even look at him.", Draco answers.

"Why do you care anyway, Draco? She's a Mudblood, why would we care?", Crab implies.

"Yeah, you're right Crab... By the way, this shit is hella nice, you got some more for another time?", Draco asks.

"Sadly no, I didn't get much. Still I heard some rumors about someone in 6th Year selling some. I can do some research and tell you who it is", Crab replies.

"Thanks dude, that would be nice."

They sit there talking about everything and everyone for about 20 minutes.

"Im getting a bit cold, I think im going back into the castle", Blaise says. Crab and Goyle both agree. "Draco, are you coming too?", Goyle asks.

"Nah, don't worry about me, Im good", he answers. "Alright see you tomorrow", the others reply, leaving him alone on the bench.

He sits there for a few minutes, enjoying the silence and the peace. After some time, he decides to go back to the castle as well.

He started walking towards the castle, still sunken into his own little peaceful world.

All of a sudden, he is being pushed back into reality, as he bumps into someone.

"Dude what the actual fuck, watch where you're going!" He tells the other person, holding his head and not looking at them.

I think everyone can guess, who Draco bumped into. But if you want to know more about what they'll be talking about, etc. Go check out the next chapter (will be published in the next few days)

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