Chapter 5

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Draco sits down next to Y/N. "Y/N chill, there's barely anyone here anyway, no need to be extra quiet.", he responds.

"You don't want to draw attention to us, do you?", Y/N asks. Draco shakes his head. "Well then lower your fucking voice you prick!"

"Okay, okay, I get it", Draco replies.

"So, about our deal. Tell me, who sold you the weed?", Y/N asks, not wasting any time.

"Got no time to waste, huh?", Draco asks, mocking her.

"Malfoy, just tell me.", she responds.

"Okay okay, so I actually got mine from a good friend, who unfortunately doesn't have any more..."

"So I came here for nothing?", Y/N interrupts him.

"No, fucking listen to me. He told me about a guy in 6th year, selling some."

"And that would be who exactly?"

"I don't know the name, but he sells everything you need. Everyday at 7 during dinner in the Transfiguration Courtyard."

"Thank you, Malfoy. So now to your question-", Y/N asks.

Earlier, while Draco was flying on his Broom, he thought about what he was going to ask. He realized that for him, it was already clear, that Y/N didn't like Potter. Instead he decided to ask her to help him with something.

"Well, technically it's not a question, you have to help me with something." he interrupts her.

"Please don't tell me it's something sexual." Y/N says, hoping it would be something normal like studying.

"What the hell are you thinking about? I actually just wanted to ask you if you could show me how to roll a joint." he replies, a bit shocked by her assumption.

"You don't know that?" she asks, curious about how he smoked the weed the day before.

"No, I don't. I was with a few friends yesterday, they left earlier. Now, will you show me or not Mudblood?" he asks, trying not to be too nice.

"No need to insult me. But yeah, I guess I owe you."

"Alright, so where and when?"

"In front of the Great Hall, a few minutes before 7, bring some money."

"Alright, see you, Mudblood."

"Fuck you, Malfoy"

Draco stands up and leaves the library. "What an awkward conversation. And why the hell would she think I'd want something sexual from her?" he thinks to himself, as he leaves.

He goes back to his dorm. He throws himself on his bed and starts staring at the ceiling.

It's only 4 so he's got plenty of time until dinner starts at 6.

"Pretty smart of that guy, selling weed at 7, when everyone, even the teachers and Filch, are eating." he thinks out loud.

Somehow he manages to wait for two hours by doing nothing.

Nothing but to lay in bed, stare at the ceiling and wait for the time to pass, thinking about everything and everyone.

But he was thinking about one person unusually often. Y/N. Who else would it be.

The girl he shittalked on the Hogwarts Express, the girl he called a Mudblood multiple times, but somehow he won't get her out of his head.

When its finally 6, he starts walking to the Great Hall for Dinner. On his way there, he meets Blaise, so he decides to walk there with him.

They talk about how bad their timetables are, about Snape who took points from his own house, before classes even started, and a lot more. During Dinner somehow, Draco was a bit nervous.

What was there to be nervous about? He doesn't get it. He looks over to Y/N a few times during Dinner and keeps his watch close in sight.

1o minutes before 7, Y/N finishes her food and leaves the Great Hall, telling the person next to her, she has to go and study.

Draco sees her leaving. He quickly finishes his food as well and leaves the Great Hall about 5 minutes after her, saying he wasn't feeling very well.

As he leaves the Great Hall, someone walks towards him. It was Y/N, that had waited for him to finally finish eating.

"There you finally are Malfoy. I already started to think you forgot about our little date." Y/N jokingly implies.

"Date? Shut the fuck up Y/N, I just want this to be over and smoke some weed." Draco angrily replies.

"Don't worry Malfoy, I was just kidding. Now what are you waiting for, lets go to the Transfiguration Courtyard!"

They start walking to the Transfiguration Courtyard together, not changing a word.


Another chapter over. As always, leave some feedback and the next chapter will be published in the next few days.

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