"Is it hurting?" Taehyung's concern seeped through his whispered words, his eyes searching Jungkook's for any sign of pain. "No," Jungkook answered in a voice that was hardly audible above a whisper and his unwavering gaze met Taehyung's. "I.. I am sorry, Jungkook. Because of my family, you.. you are hurt," Taehyung's voice trembled with regret. "Your family? I haven't even considered him as our family, Tae," Jungkook's touch was gentle as he stroked Taehyung's cheek with his thumb.

"Still," Taehyung insisted, unwilling to dismiss the responsibility that weighed heavily on his conscience. "Go and see the doctor and get your wounds dressed. They said I can't move neither my head nor my body now, or else I would have done it myself," Jungkook's urged. However, Taehyung found solace in Jungkook's touch, snuggling closer into his hand.

With a reluctant sigh, Taehyung stepped out of the ICU, his lips drawn into a pout as if protesting against leaving Jungkook's side. Despite his inner desire to remain by Jungkook's bedside, Jungkook's insistence on tending to his wounds forced Taehyung to step away. Each step away felt like a tug on his heartstrings, a silent yearning to be closer to Jungkook, but he knew there was nothing else he could do but listen to Jungkook's words. As he left the ICU, Taehyung couldn't help but cast a longing glance back at Jungkook before closing the door.

As Taehyung turned away from the ICU door, his gaze fell upon the last person he ever wanted to see, his entire being consumed by a rage. "What the hell are you doing here?" Taehyung's voice carried a dangerous edge as he charged towards the boy standing in the corner of the hallway, his fists clenched in fury. Yeonjun slowly lifted his head and was met with Taehyung's furious gaze. Before another word could be exchanged, Taehyung's fist collided with Yeonjun's jaw.

"Didn't. I. Told. You. To. Stay. Away. From. My. Family." Each smack echoed through the hospital hallway, drawing the attention of the people standing there. Yeonjun could only twist and tremble in pain, his pleas for forgiveness choked with tears and desperation.

"P..please le..let me see h..him o..once. I want to say so.. Sorry," he sobbed, his hands clasped in a prayerful gesture as he begged for a chance. "Sorry? How dare you even stand here?" Taehyung's voice dripped with venom, his anger barely contained as he glared at Yeonjun with righteous fury. Before Taehyung could unleash another wave of fury, Yoongi intervened, holding him back with a firm grip.

"Tae. It's a hospital," Yoongi's voice was a quiet plea for that reason, his eyes scanning the crowd. Taehyung's frustration boiled over as he struggled against Yoongi's hold. "Now he wants to ask what sorry? What would have happened if we had not arrived on time? Jungkook, Jimin, mom, kids?" Taehyung's voice was sharp, his eyes boring into Yeonjun's bowed head.

Unable to meet Taehyung's gaze, Yeonjun wept openly. "This.. Leave me, hyung. Let me end everything," Taehyung screamed, his desperation evident in every thrash and twist against Yoongi's hold. But, before any more attempts to beat him, a group of police officers entered the hallway.

"We are here to take the family's testimony," the chief officer announced. Targeting looked at him and at Yeonjun with breathing deeply to contain his anger. "Yes, Sir. You can ask me," Mrs. Kim's voice rang out with determination as she stepped forward to confront the truth head-on.

"It's my younger son's doing, Sir. He has perfectly plotted and tried to hurt my son-in-laws. I am the first witness to that," Mrs. Kim declared with unwavering resolve, her voice carrying the weight of truth as she stood before the police officers. "Okay, ma'am. Any particular motive behind it? Like cash? Property? Business Rivalry?" a police officer inquired, seeking to unravel the underlying reasons behind the horrible deeds.

"No. It was completely l..st," Mrs. Kim's voice faltered slightly as she clenched her teeth, the pain of betrayal etched on her face. "Please take him away, sir. You can do whatever you want," she concluded with finality, her gaze steady as she returned to her seat.

"Taehi," Mrs. Jeon whispered softly as she reached out to grasp Mrs. Kim's shoulder, her expression filled with sadness and concern. "I am fine, Yuna. I am completely fine. You all put your complete trust in us with your son, but unfortunately, I.. I was unable to protect him. I.. I didn't know there was a snake in my family, in my home. I am ashamed of myself. For being a mother. Please.. Please forgive me, Yuna. Please. I.. I will h..hold your feet and a..ask for forgiveness," Mrs. Kim's voice broke into an uncontrollable wail of anguish as she struggled with her own sense of betrayal and failure.

Mrs. Jeon immediately enveloped her in a comforting embrace and rubbed Mrs. Kim's shoulder in a soothing gesture. With tears in her eyes, Mrs. Jeon offered silent solace and understanding even though her heart was heavy with the weight of their shared pain and loss. As she wiped her eyes, Mrs. Jeon's gaze shifted to Jimin, his fractured hand and bandaged head a stark reminder of the violence that had touched their lives, leaving behind scars both physical and emotional.

"Look at what you did to mom. Look at how you made her head h..hung in front of everyone. I.. I won't forget nor forgive you, Yeonjun. Crave it in your mind. I, this Kim Taehyung will never ever forgive you for what you did to my life and my family." Taehyung's voice resonated with a chilling intensity, each word carrying the weight of his anger and pain. His declaration hung in the air like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over the irreparable damage that had been done.

The police officer exchanged a glance between Mrs. Kim and Mr. Kim before addressing the latter. "Do you want me to sign somewhere, Sir?" Mr. Kim's voice was devoid of emotion as he responded with a curt "Yes." The police officer handed the file to Mr. Kim, who wasted no time in signing it. He then turned to Mrs. Kim, silently indicating for her to do the same.

With a heavy heart, Mrs. Kim took the pen and added her signature to the document, a silent acknowledgment of the painful reality they were facing. As the police officers proceeded to escort Yeonjun away, his tear-filled eyes scanned the faces of those he had betrayed. He wept silently pleading for forgiveness that would likely go unanswered.

"I have booked two rooms. Jungkook might be shifted to a room later today. Let mom and the kids also stay here. Let me go and arrange for people to clean out the home," Yoongi informed the family, his voice tinged with a sense of responsibility and care. "Stay here with them. Take some rest. Mm? Don't stress," he added, directing his words specifically to Taehyung before stepping away to attend everything.

"Come," Mr. Kim said, gently guiding his son towards the doctor's office to get his wounds cleaned. As they walked away, Mrs. Kim's gaze shifted from her husband and to the little girl beside her with wide, round eyes filled with both curiosity and fear. Mia looked up at her with innocence shining through her gaze.

"Why did the police uncle take our Yeonie, grandma?" she asked, her voice tinged with confusion and concern. Mrs. Kim's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she struggled to find the right words to explain to the innocent heart before her. "Yeonie.. Yeonie did something bad. The police uncle will teach him a lesson. Mm?" she replied softly, her hand gently stroking the girl's hair in a comforting gesture. Mia pouted in response but nodded, her trust in her grandmother's words evident as she glanced at Jimin.

"Kookie. When will Kookie come to us?" Mia asked, her eyes searching for answers in Jimin's. "Mm. Soon. If Mia stays as a good girl, he will come to us soon," Jimin replied with a gentle smile, his words laced with a promise. Mia's face brightened at his words and her eyes got fixed on the closed ICU door as she eagerly awaited for the return of her Momma Kookie.

..to be continued..    

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