Chapter 39

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Jungkook was monitoring his students' activities by walking between small tables and chairs until he felt a cramp in his lower abdomen. He approached his table, clutching his stomach tightly. He took his bottle and drank a few sips of water, but the pain seemed to be getting worse. "Ah," he said, gripping his hips as he felt himself leaking. He dashed to the bathroom, holding his stomach and sweating profusely. "Ah.. Tae..." he staggered to his feet but immediately grabbed the washroom door. "aaahh.." he screamed, feeling another rush of something from his private part. "Taee... Aaaaa," he screamed, unable to bear the intense pain. "Jungkook? Jungkook.. What happened?" Mrs Lee inquired as she ran to the restroom after hearing the scream. "I.. I.. I can't.." Jungkook knelt down, gripping his stomach. "oh god. You are bleeding." She said, staring at his baggie pants. "No.. No.. This can't.. Aaaaaa.. Taeee.. H..happen." He wailed and was about to fall down, but she caught him. "What happened?" Another teacher rushed to the restroom. "Get me a cloth." Mrs Lee said immediately. The teacher ran outside. "Jungkook?" another teacher asked, joining them. "Call a cab or something. We.. We need to take him to the hospital." she said. The other teacher who ran in search of cloth returned with a blanket. She wrapped him up. "Tae.. Tae.." Jungkook squirmed and twisted in agony. "Get me my phone. Sir, please help me carry him." Mrs Lee spoke to one of their colleagues who had done the same. "We can go in Sir Minho's car. Come fast." a teacher informed. They carried Jungkook to the vehicle. "What happened all of a sudden?" one of their colleagues who is accompanying them to the hospital inquired, wiping Jungkook's face. "He.. He is pregnant." Mrs Lee informed her. "oh god. He is bleeding too much." Her worried gaze fell on Jungkook's painful expression. "Let me tell his husband." Mrs Lee took her phone and called Taehyung while driving to the city hospital.

Taehyung had no idea how he got to the hospital without hitting something because his hands were literally shaking from the thought of all the worst-case scenarios. "Kim Jungkook?" he inquired as he hurried to the gynecology department. "Kim Jungkook. "Oh, the patient who was admitted a few minutes ago due to bleeding?" inquired the receptionist. Taehyung nodded. "He is in the labor room. Are you related to him?" she asked. "Taehyung. Here." Taehyung turned to see Minho. "I am his husband," he informed the staff before rushing to Minho. "He is in the labour room. Mrs. Lee is with him. "They requested one of our presences." Minho informed. "Mr. Taehyung. "You can go inside," the staff informed Taehyung, who immediately returned to her. "Please take off your shoes and put on those slippers. Please wear those gowns after you have sanitized your hands." She informed. Taehyung did the same before pushing the glass door. "Jungkook." he asked one of the nurses. "oh, Mr Kim Taehyung? His husband?" she asked. Taehyung nodded. "Please come. First meet the doctor. Then you can see him." she said and led Taehyung to a cabinet.

"Doctor. Mr Taehyung. "Jungkook's spouse," the nurse said to a woman around his mother's age. "Taehyung. Please sit." she said pointing the seat in front of her. "Your husband. Jungkook is eleven weeks pregnant. He was admitted here after experiencing bleeding and severe abdominal pain. We performed an ultrasound scan and discovered that.. He is having a miscarriage. Taehyung could only let out a gasp. "M..mi..miscarriage? W..why?" Taehyung's eyes welled up with fresh tears. "Mm. There are potentially many reasons why a miscarriage may happen, although the cause is not usually identified.
In Jungkook's case. It's caused by abnormal chromosomes in the baby.
Chromosomes are genetic "building blocks" that guide the development of a baby. If a baby has too many or not enough chromosomes, it will not develop properly. You understand what I am saying right?" she said. Taehyung nodded as his mind screamed only one word: miscarriage. "I understand that this will be difficult to digest, but you must remain calm. You must provide each other with mental support," she stated. Taehyung nodded and wiped his teary eyes. "We have induced him with medication. "You need to stay in the hospital for a day, and the pregnancy tissue will naturally pass out in 1 or 2 weeks," she explained. "Doctor, I.. I had sex with time a few days ago. Is it because of that?" He inquired, praying to all existing and non-existing gods that the answer would be negative. "No. As I said. "It is because your baby was not growing properly," she explained. "Can not the doctor be aware of this? Our doctor did not mention anything like this." Taehyung said. "Mm. Unfortunately, your doctor usually cannot do anything to help you avoid miscarrying in the first trimester of your pregnancy. It is possible that you will not be able to receive a confirmed diagnosis of miscarriage during a single doctor's visit. A doctor can diagnose a miscarriage by looking for the pregnancy hormone HCG in the blood. During the first trimester, HCG levels typically double every two to three days. So it is not necessary for your doctor to know." The doctor said. Taehyung nodded. "Jungkook." he asked. "Yes. You can see him. And, Taehyung, although miscarriages in early pregnancy are common, the feelings of loss are the same. Some experience severe depression or anxiety. The grief experienced is genuine. Most of them will try to downplay the significance of a loss with a "Do not worry, you can try again," unaware that losing a baby, regardless of when it occurs during a pregnancy, can be devastating. For both partners. Turn to each other for support, and remember that you can both mourn a loss, even if you express it differently. So, rather than trying to protect each other, I recommend that you share your feelings openly with one another. Because only by communicating with one another can you both heal. If necessary, seek counseling and spiritual support in the weeks and months following your loss, and allow yourself the time and space to fully grieve. Taehyung, just remember that you will gradually feel better over time, and if you don't, or if you continue to have difficulty coping with everyday life, or if you continue to feel extremely anxious, seek professional help." She said with a comforting smile. Taehyung had no idea he wanted to cry for a few minutes before confronting his husband. He wailed as he lay his head on the doctor's table. Wailed out loudly. "Doctor," the nurse replied hesitantly. The doctor showed her palm. "Let him." she said, tapping Taehyung on the shoulder.

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