Chapter 76

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"F?ck.. F+ck.. AHHHHHH" With a shout of frustration, Taehyung hurled the phone across the car, the device clattering against the dashboard before landing somewhere out of sight. His hands clenched tightly around the steering wheel as he slammed his foot down on the accelerator, the engine roaring to life as the car surged forward with newfound speed.

The tires screeched against the pavement as Taehyung took a sharp turn, his grip on the wheel firm as he navigated the car with batted breath. His knuckles whitened with tension as he pushed the vehicle to its limits, the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins.

Meanwhile in Kim Mansion, Jungkook looked at the hands tightly gripping on his either hands and then at the boy standing in front of him. "Leave me.. I SAID LEAVE ME B!STARDS." Jungkook's voice rang out with a sharp edge of anger, his words slicing through the tense atmosphere like a blade. The hands gripping his tightened in response, but he refused to falter, his gaze unwavering as he locked eyes with Yeonjun.

"If something happens to Jimin hyung or mom," Jungkook spat, his voice laced with venom, "mark my word, you will be dead meat." The threat hung heavy in the air, each word dripping with a potent mix of fury and determination. Jungkook's jaw clenched with pent-up rage, his fists balling at his sides as he awaited Yeonjun's response, his eyes blazing with an intensity that dared the other to challenge him.

"Haha. You sound like whining. Cute." one of them said with a chuckle. "What do you want to do with him, Yeonjun. Tell us. We are here for you." another one said with a smirk. However, Jungkook's anger deepened as Yeonjun's expression shifted from blankness to a smile, his demeanor suddenly more relaxed. "Mm. I.. This.." Yeonjun took a step forward and took a brown shopping bag from behind and held it out in front of Jungkook.

Jungkook's gaze shifted from his face to the shopping bag that was being extended towards him. With cautiousness, Jungkook's eyes remained fixed on Yeonjun who untied the bag and peered inside. Yeonjun giggled and spun around before taking out the item hidden inside the shopping bag.

Jungkook's eyes widened as he took in the sight. "Are.. Are you sick?" Jungkook asked, his voice trembling with disbelief as he stood face to face with Yeonjun. "It's my dream, Jungkook, to see you in this. I won't do anything. I just want to see you in this maid uniform. See, I even brought cute little cat ears and a bell for you. Do you know how hard it was for me to find this exact design?" Yeonjun pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation.

"Stop your madness. Leave me. Jimin hyung.. Jimin hyung.." Jungkook said and squirmed, refusing to back down. With a surge of strength, Jungkook attempted to break free from the grip around his wrist, his muscles straining against the hold as he fought to regain control of the situation.

"I won't do anything, Jungkook. It's my word. I won't touch any single strand of your hair. I just want to see you in this. Only that." Yeonjun said, rubbing the dress on his face and inhaling it. Jungkook felt like throwing up as he turned his face to the other side. 

"Chi. I know you forget I am your brother-in-law but did you forget my husband is Kim Taehyung? Ah? Do you think he will leave you and your ba..ards along?" Jungkook asked and in a swift motion, he twisted one of their palms, his movements were fluid, eliciting a pained grunt from the other person as the grip around his wrist loosened slightly.

Seizing the opportunity, Jungkook lashed out, delivering a hard smack to the other one's leg with all the force he could muster. The sound of impact echoed through the room, accompanied by a sharp intake of breath from his attacker.

The unexpected strike caught them off guard, causing them to stumble for a moment as they recoiled from the impact. Jungkook used the brief distraction to free himself from their grip. With one final push, he broke free from their hold, his muscles burning with exertion as he stumbled backwards. As he regained his footing, he gave Yeonjun one last defiant glare before turning on his heel and fleeing the room.

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