Chapter 6

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Taehyung walked to the living room after dressing up and saw the whole family sitting and talking. Taehyung sat beside his mom and nudged his head in her lap after pushing Yoongi's head a little away. "Yeonie will come next friday. We were saying that.", his mom said to Taehyung. "Mm. He called me the other day.", Taehyung said. "Is he going to study here further?", Taehyung asked. "Mm I was thinking about Seoul University.", his dad said. "He should have studied there itself. The education is much better there.", Taehyung said. "What's the problem with our education system? Ah? We all studied here.", Seojin said. "Yes still.", he said. "He missed us for 12 years. It's already more than enough.", Mrs Kim said. Taehyung hummed and looked at Jungkook's who is playing with Mia, Jae and Soo.

"Do you have a shoot tomorrow?", his dad asked

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"Do you have a shoot tomorrow?", his dad asked. Taehyung nodded. "Come home early. We all can go to Choi's farm house. It's been a while since we went on a picnic.", Mr Kim said. "Mm. but will Nuna be able to travel this long?", Jimin asked. "I am perfectly alright to travel.", Jennie said enthusiastically. "I think she was waiting for this plan.", Jimin whispered to Jungkook who smiled shaking his head.

After dinner, one after another went to their respective rooms. Jungkook gave Soo to Jimin and went to Taehyung's room. Jungkook locked the door behind him and heard the water flowing sound from the washroom. He walked to the mirror and tied his hair before walking to the bed. But his eyes diverted to the phone kept on the table when he heard a chain of notification beeps. Jungkook took Taehyung's phone and looked at the screen only to see a few messages from the number saved as Lisa. He kept the phone back on the table and laid on the bed waiting for Taehyung to join.

"I thought you would be sleeping with all the tiny sprouts today.", Taehyung smiled when he stepped out of the washroom. "No. Everyone is feeding except Mia, so I came back.", Jungkook said. Taehyung hummed and took his phone and laid beside Jungkook. "Do you have anything to take from home? If yes, text me. I will pick it up when I return from the studio tomorrow.", Taehyung said and swiped his screen but was taken back after seeing messages from Lisa. He opened the whatsapp and saw some sexy photos of her with a message 'can you please help to pick one for my portfolio cover.', Taehyung smiled before replying back. 'Hey Lisa. Each photo is more excellent than the other. But I would appreciate it if you could ask this to either your manager or your stylist. I am not a person to comment on it. Also this is my business number.', he sent the reply and titled his head and saw two wide bambi eyes fixed on his screen. "Do you want a reply?", he asked forwarding Jungkook his phone. Jungkook shook his head and laid straight but immediately scooted towards Taehyung when he heard another beep sound and saw another message asking him his number. 'Sorry, Lisa. I don't give my personal number to my clients. Please connect me through this number, if you have an official schedule with Vante or call the reception.', Taehyung replied and again looked at those round eyes. "What?", Taehyung asked. Jungkook shook his head and laid straight. "Haha. My Jungkookie is sweating.", Taehyung laughed and locked his phone and kept it aside. "You are increasing my blood pressure every day.", Jungkook said. "Haha. Don't you trust me?", Taehyung asked. "I trust you but not all girls and boys who are waiting for an opportunity to shove their heads inside somebody's family life.", Jungkook said. "Mm. But why should you be worried when your husband is the whipping cream for you.", Taehyung hugged his waist. Jungkook hummed seriously.

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