Chapter 1

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"A boy?"

"A girl?"

"A boy?"

"A girl?"

"A girl?"

"A boy?"

"Why is this not ending?"

"It will. Pull the next ribbon.", the crowd cheered. "That will be the last. Pull. Let's reveal the gender. Boy or girl?", the crowd was more excited than the parents.

"Mmm.. girl.. yeahhhhh.. it's a girl.. hyung, it's a girl."

The crowd clapped the hands and cheered them by howling. "Let's get the drinks and enjoy the evening.", the eldest of the family, Mr Kim encouraged the mob by pointing towards the food and beverage section, which was set up in one of the corners of that vast lawn in front of their classic Mansion.

"Aren't you happy?", one of the son in law of Kim's asked the brunette sitting next to him, fiddling with a glass of white wine. "Yeah. I am. After all it's about a little life, right?", he said smiling. "Jungkook.", the blonde, called him softly by caressing his knuckles. "Jimin hyung, I am fine.", Jungkook said gulping down the wine completely. "Leave that. First you tell me. How is Soo baby? Is she giving you a hard time?", Jungkook asked caressing the little feet of the baby peeking out from the baby quilt. "Ah. Yeah. If her dad is a cat. She is a night owl. She stays up all night.", Jimin said smiling looking at the little baby's face. "It will be exhausting but exciting, right?", Jungkook asked as his eyes shined in the same excitement. Jimin nodded. "Give her to me. I will hold her, you go and get your food.", Jungkook said taking the baby in his hand. Jimin smiled and stood up before walking to the food counter. "Ah, here you are. Jungkook.", Jungkook turned on the seat when he heard his mother in law's voice. "Here, this is Jungkook. My youngest son in law.", she introduced him to another woman. "Oh, Taehyungie's, right?", she asked smiling. Mrs Kim nodded. "Ah. It's the first time I am meeting you. I am Jennie's father's brother's second daughter's mother in law.", the woman said smiling. Jungkook also smiled back. "Oh, how old is the baby?", she asked looking at the baby Jungkook is holding. "Three months.", Jungkook said smiling. "Cute. He or she?", she asked. "She.", Jungkook replied. "Cute. She looks like Taehyungie.", she said. "Oh, actually it's not Taehyung's. It's Yoongi's.", Mrs Kim smiled nervously. "Omo, sorry. I thought it was yours.", the woman was embarrassed. Jungkook was also awkward but still covered it up with his bunny smile. "Where is Jimin, son?", Mrs Kim asked looking around. "There. Hyung went to take his food.", Jungkook said pointing to the counter. "Oh. Aren't you eating? Give her to me. I will hold her. You also have dinner.", She said extending her hand to take the baby. "It's fine mom. I will eat later with Tae.", Jungkook declined. "Ah. By the way, where is he? Didn't you call him?", Mrs Kim asked. "Yes. He will be here in ten minutes.", Jungkook said rocking the baby. "This boy. You know, Nuna. He never attended any family function. He will scoot it saying something everytime. The only function he attended from beginning to end is his wedding, because he can't skip it, right? He has to be there.", Mrs Kim shook her head while others laughed. "Haha. How many years since your marriage?", the woman asked Jungkook. "It will be third this year.", Jungkook said. "Kids?", she asked. "Not yet.", Jungkook smiled. "Haha. Let them enjoy. It's not like our days, right? Let them have it whenever they want. They are still young.", Mrs Kim laughed. "Hello Aunty.", Jimin bowed at her when he also joined the table with his food, who smiled in return. "Mommm mom. Here you are. Mom, can you please feed Jae? Mia is giving me a hard time.", all of them look at the new interrupter. "Ah. Give him to me, then.", Mrs Kim took the 8 months old baby from her hand along with the feeding bottle. "Jennie baby. You should take some rest.", the woman said caressing her hand. "I really wish to aunty. But didn't you see, Jae and Mia are giving me a hard time along with this.", Jennie said pointing at her six month old tummy with the free hand as in the other hand, she is holding a bowl of cake. "Hmm. Let me see then. Where is Mia?", Mrs Kim stood up from her seat. "With granny.", she said. "Mm. Okay. You take some rest. Let me check her.", Mrs Kim walked towards the mansion with the baby along with the woman. Jennie smiled looking at both retreating figures before diverting her eyes to the other two.

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