Chapter 77

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For hours on end, the once peaceful mansion was consumed by chaos and turmoil, the air thick with the sound of shattering glass and splintering wood. Every bang and crash sent chills down the spines of those still inside the mansion as they echoed through the halls and off the walls.

With a heavy heart, Mrs. Kim wiped away her tears and cast a concerned gaze upon the sleeping babies nestled on the bed, their innocent faces a stark contrast to the chaos unfolding around them. She gently stroked the hair of the little girl snuggled in her lap.

The piercing sound of sirens outside their villa served as a grim reminder of the danger that lurked just beyond their door. Mrs. Kim hastily rose from the bed along with Mia and walked to the door, but before she could reach it, it swung open, and her eyes welled up again as she saw her husband accompanied by a team of police officers.

Without a word, the police officers rushed past her and into the upper stairs, their urgent footsteps echoing through the hallways.

With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Mrs Kim hugged her husband. "Ju..Jungkook.. Ji..jimin." She whispered. "Mm. Yoongi called me. Let's go to hospital quickly." Mr Kim said as he wrapped his hands around her shoulder. "T..Tae." She whimbered. "He.. He will be fine. Come." Mr Kim said and rushed to the bedroom. He scooped Soo and Jae in his hand and gestered Mrs Kim to take Minkoo. She wiped her eyes and took Minkoo and wrapped Mia's little hand securely in her other hand. "Come." Mr Kim said and headed to the living room.

Meanwhile, as the police officers reached the upper landing, they were met with a scene of devastation, the boys were writhing in pain amidst strewn furniture, and Taehyung stood in the center of it all, his eyes red and swollen with tears, his fists clenched in frustration and anger.


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"Mm. Go and hold him." Without any delay, the police chief gave orders to his subordinates to restrain Taehyung first. Two officers immediately moved to restrain Taehyung, firmly grasping his arms and preventing him from beating the boys to death, as they were already on the verge of hell. Meanwhile, the rest of the officers began to assess the situation, arresting the injured attackers.

As they started to escort the injured boys out of the mansion, one of the officers approached Yeonjun, who had regained consciousness but was still clearly in pain. However, before they could be him taken away, Taehyung's voice interrupted them. "Leave him, sir. He's my brother. He is innocent." Taehyung said in a firm yet gentle voice. Yeonjun's eyes immediately locked with his brother and an array of unspoken words exchanged between them.

As the police officers went with the boys, Taehyung turned to face his parents who were standing in the living room. "We.. We should be in hospital." Mr Kim said in a concerned and eager tone, as if there was nothing more important than their presence in the hospital right now. "I will come. Take mom and kids along with you, dad." Taehyung said, rubbing his neck and injured biceps. Mr Kim nodded and glanced at Mrs Kim asking her to follow him.

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