Chapter 15

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Yeonjun unlocked the apartment with the key hidden under the flower pot and locked the door behind him. He called and informed his mom regarding the admission as he went to the guestroom. He changed his outfit and took a soft drink from the kitchen and sat on the couch. He took a few sips of it as his eyes fell on the bedroom door of Taehyung and Jungkook. He looked at the clock, 2.30PM. So he has half an hour more till Jungkook comes back home. Yeonjun licked his lower lips before standing up. He kept the can on the table and walked to the bedroom.

He hesitated a bit by biting his nail before unlocking the room door. He exhaled as he closed the door behind him and his eyes traveled to each corner of the room. He slowly walked to the bed and sat on it by caressing the soft bed under his palm. He laid on it and crawled up till the pillow and caressed the pillow. He smiled a little as his gaze traveled to the dressing table. He stood up and went to the dressing table. He took the body lotion and opened it to inhale and hummed in content. He caressed those small hair clips scattered on the table and at last took the lip tint. He opened it and smelled it with parted lips. He bit his lips looking at the mirror and rubbed the lip tint on his lips and kept it in the same place smiling. He walked from one end of the room to the other by caressing each item. He stopped and looked at the closed washroom door. He went inside the washroom and took the shower gel and inhaled it. He opened those small shelves and looked at everything. He took that small box which caught his attention and when he opened it he saw numerous pregnancy testers all with negative results. He chapped his lips thin and kept it back in the place. He closed the bathroom door behind him and that's when his eyes fell on the tees hanging on the armchair. He took the tees which Jungkook wore last time in his hands and looked around in nervousness. He exhaled deeply and took it to his nose and inhaled the soft baby scent from it by rubbing it on his cheeks. "Oh. Jungkook. Why do you smell like a baby when you don't have one?", he whispered but flinched when he heard the key shuffling sound from the main door breaking that pin drop silence in the apartment. He suddenly kept the tees back on the chair as he rushed out of the room after closing the door. He ran to his room and stayed there back pressed on the door when he heard mumbling of Jungkook and Mia from the living room, as he rubbed his lips hard to wipe away the lip tint.

"Yeonie.. yeonie.. are you home?", Jungkook called. Yeonjun wiped his face before he went out of the room to them. "Ah. How was the admission?", Jungkook asked as he sat on the couch along with Mia. "I got the admission. Classes will commence from next month's first week.", he informed and sat on the opposite couch. "Wow congrats. Mm. Are you going back tonight?", Jungkook enquired. "No. Tomorrow I need to visit college again.", Yeonjun lied. "Oh, okay.", Jungkook said. "Mia baby. Come let's get change. Then I will make you both some snacks.", Jungkook smiled and went behind Mia who ran in front of him to the room.

Jungkook locked the door behind him. He pulled his tees up then walked to the chair where his tee was hanging. He took it in his hand but kept it back on the chair and took another tee from the closet and wore it. He helped Mia to wear her casual fit. He went to the washroom and changed his pants as well.

"Dumplings. I want dumplings. Kookie.", Mia hopped behind him to the kitchen. Yeonjun checked Jungkook up and down and went to the kitchen to join them. Jungkook was taking out dumplings to steam it when the first door opened. "Tae? You came early today?", Jungkook was surprised to see his husband at an unexpected time. "Mm. I didn't have any work left.", Taehyung said and went to him and hugged him kissing his forehead. "What are you making?", Taehyung asked. "Dumplings", Jungkook said. "Wow. I can't wait to taste it.", Taehyung said. "I will change and come.", he said.

", he said

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