Chapter 78

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Taehyung couldn't quite recall how he reached the hospital. His feet seemed to move on their own, carrying him through the winding, sterile corridors to the ICU. He persisted in spite of every muscle and nerve in his body aching to rest from exhaustion. As he neared the crucial threshold of the intensive care unit door, his steps were unsteady, clearly a struggle against his physical limitations.

When Taehyung arrived, he looked around at the worried expressions of everyone gathered outside, each of them reflecting a small portion of his own intense anxiety and fear. He gathered the last of his strength and with trembling, he gently pushed the door open, stepping into the unknown that lay beyond.

As he entered the ICU, a heavy silence fell over the room, broken only by the quiet beeping of machines. Taehyung's droopy eyes scanned the space, landing on Jungkook lying still on the hospital bed, his face pale and calm. The sight struck Taehyung like a physical blow, stopping his breath and rooting him to the spot. His hands shook as he moved closer, each step heavy with pain but driven by an immense desire to be with the person who meant life to him.

As Taehyung approached the bed, his heart pounded against his chest, echoing in his ears alongside the steady beep of the heart monitor. He reached out, his hand trembling as it hovered above Jungkook's. "Jun.. Jungkook", he let his fingers brush against Jungkook's hand. The cold touch of Jungkook's skin was startling, but Taehyung embraced his hand with both of his, hoping to bring warmth and life.

Taehyung sank into the chair beside the bed, his gaze fixed on Jungkook's face, searching for any sign of the vibrant spirit he knew. "Ju..Jungkook," Taehyung whispered in a cracking voice. "Look.. Look at me, Bun. I.. I am tired I.. I need you. I need you to hug me. I want you to cuddle me in your chest. I... I need you." Tears blurred his vision as he leaned forward, resting his forehead gently against their intertwined hands.

"A..are t..they s..still" Taehyung's heart tightened at the faint sound of Jungkook's voice. Taehyung gave a silent nod. "I.. I w..was s..scared thinking might have," Jungkook admitted, his vulnerability piercing through the heavy atmosphere of the room. Taehyung's gaze softened as he lifted his head to meet Jungkook's gaze, his eyes reflecting both fear and warmth.

"I haven't killed any of them not because I can't. It's because I.. I can't stay a day without you. W..we have a beautiful life ahead," Taehyung confessed, the weight of his emotions was heavy in the air. Jungkook's pale face softened into a tender smile, his hand seeking Taehyung's reassurance. "I.. I fought my," Jungkook whispered, his voice barely audible. "Mm. I know you will," Taehyung replied softly, leaning in to press a gentle kiss against Jungkook's hand.

"T..that b..stard?" Jungkook whispered. "I have asked him to stay away from my eyes otherwise this time I will end up killing him." Taehyung's jaw tightened with frustration. Beside him, Jungkook emitted a soft hum, a mixture of understanding and acceptance.

"I.. I w..won't l..leave him," Jungkook's voice quivered, his eyes brimming with unshed tears. Taehyung acknowledged his words with a hum, his hand gently finding its place on Jungkook's, offering silent reassurance.

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