Chapter 40

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Taehyung called Yoongi later that night, after Jungkook had fallen asleep after hours of crying. "Tae, what happened?" Why are you calling at this particular time? "Is everything okay?" Taehyung overheard Yoongi's sleepy voice on the other end. "Mm. I am at the hospital," he said in a tired tone. "Hospital? But you said you are going home with Jungkook. Then why are you at the hospital? he inquired, perplexed. "Jungkook. Mm. Jungkook had a miscarriage." he said. "WHAT?" Taehyung shut his eyes when he heard that shout. "Mm. The hospital will not allow everyone here, and we will return home tomorrow, so there is no reason for everyone to come here." He responded and disconnected the call, not paying attention to the chain of questions that followed. 

Taehyung put the phone back in his pocket, caressed his throbbing head, and sat in the chair. "oh. "Did I wake you up?" he asked, as he noticed the born grey orbs observing him. "Mm." Jungkook gestured with his palm to summon him. "Is it hurting really bad?" he asked, caressing Taehyung's forehead, who nodded and rested his head on the edge of the hospital bed. "Go and drink a tea. "You will feel better," he assured, rubbing his head in a circular motion. "Mm." "Let us see if we can get an extra bed so you can lay down for a while. How long are you going to sit like this? Jungkook asked. "It's alright. Is it paining?" Taehyung asked. "Mm. "Do you want to be changed?" he asked. Jungkook shook his head. Taehyung sighed and sat on the bed beside his feet, massaging his toes. "No. Tae. No need of that." he said. "I can't share your physical pain right now, so let me do this," he said, pressing his toes. Jungkook smiled gently. "This is why I want to live and die in your hands. You are the sole reason why I want to see more sunrises and sunsets. I do not need any medications or counseling. All I need is you to heal." Jungkook replied with a gentle smile. "Can I lay here for a while?" he inquired. Jungkook nodded and moved his leg slightly, allowing Taehyung to rest his head on the bed. He shrunk himself in that little space.

A nurse tapped Taehyung on the shoulder, prompting him to open his eyes. "Oh, sorry." He wiped his face and immediately stood up from the bed. "You could have asked for a bed," she replied. Taehyung moved slightly to give her space. "How do you feel right now?" she asked Jungkook, who nodded. "You can change your n.pkin and have your breakfast. You can purchase toiletries from the stationery store on the second floor." She informed him and took the medicine drop from his hand. "oh, okay. Jungkook. Let me go and buy it. "Until then, lay down here." Taehyung informed. He nodded. "Do you want to use the washroom before I leave?" he inquired. Jungkook shook his head. He said, "I will be back soon," and walked out.

"Tae." "Ah, hyung." Yoongi walked along with Seojoon towards Taehyung,  who just came out of the labor room. "How is he?" Yoongi asked. "They have induced some medication." he informed. "Hmm," he hummed while rubbing Taehyung's shoulder. "The baby's growth was not normal," he said, and they both nodded. "I am going to buy toiletries." He said. "Oh, I will go and get it. Don't worry." Seojoon said and went to buy the same. "Mom was adamant about coming. We somehow managed." Yoongi said. Taehyung nodded. "I understand it will be painful, but remain calm and confident. Mm. "We will grieve and heal." Yoongi said petted his shoulder. Taehyung exhaled loudly and looked up to keep the tears from falling. "When can we bring him home?" he asked. "The doctor said today but did not specify the time." Taehyung said. Yoongi nodded, and they both stood there until Seojoon returned.

"Here. There is a pair of briefs and t-shirts for you." Seojoon said. Taehyung hummed as he checked the inside of the bag. "Let me go inside, then. Hyung, you don't have to stay here. "I will call you after speaking with the doctor," he told his hyungs before entering the labor room.

"Yoongi hyung and Seojoon hyung was there." Taehyung informed Jungkook and handed him the brush and paste. "Come. "I will help you," he said, leading him to the bathroom. "Mom?" Jungkook asked, holding the toothbrush. "They didn't bring her. She was making a big fuss about coming here. However, they decided it was best not to bring her. She will sit here and cry. So, better stay at home." Taehyung said. Jungkook gave a nod. "Do you want me to help you with that?" he asked, pointing at napkin. Jungkook raised his head. "T..Tae... People are hesitant to touch it, so how can you ask that? Aren't.. Aren't you feeling disgusted?" Jungkook asked, hiccup. "Disgusting? Why? Isn't that a part of you? A part of us? Jungkook, when I said I am madly in love with you, I meant I admire everything about you. And I don't believe there is anything abhorrent about it." Taehyung replied. "Change it and come. If you want, I will stand here or stand out." he said. "I.. I will come." Jungkook assured. "Come soon. Don't lock the door." he said. Jungkook nodded and closed the door. He took a deep breath, held the napkin in his shivering hands, and quickly changed it without looking or thinking about anything. He opened the door after wearing a new hospital gown. Taehyung led him back to the bed and served him breakfast. "Let me get changed." He said and took his dress and went to the washroom.

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