Wedding Rituals

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Nia Pov:

I woke up late and mom was scolding me but what can I do, I feel tired looking at the crowd. I hate being the centre of attention. I felt like a celebrity now, everyone wanted to talk. I was a natural actor but still needed lots and lots of space but no one bothered. Today is my haldi and I was sitting on the stage, greeting everyone and taking their blessing. Some women's were teasing making me uncomfortable with their touch while some were harsh.

My mama was being teased by my father side. My aunt was hell bent on putting the shoe garland on mama while my Masi was trying to stop Bua. This was nothing, these jokes happened in every wedding. My Masi was failing but mom would never let mama wear that shoe garland so she cut the garland and with that my mom won but my other Bua wasn't done. She threw a whole bucket of haldi water on him. No just haldi water but she mixed everything she could get in kitchen. Vegetables peel, flour and I don't know what.

After our haldi ceremony, I was showered by my the women's. We have mehndi and Sangeet tonight. In between haldi and mehndi, I was to back my bags. My room was in mess filled with dresses, jewelleries, makeup, shoes, bags, toiletries, etc etc.

"Mom stop my head is already hurting with all this don't bring more." I say annoyed

"Ni I have just started and you are tired already." Mom says chuckling.

"Muma this is enough. I am just going to my in-laws not in a remote place and what's with this. Half of the stuff I don't even need and not just that, it looks like I am opening a store where I will be selling this stuffs." I say

"Ni, I do what the culture say. I don't want my daughter to hear taunts about, what did you bring from your home and all that." She says

"Why would they even say that? And you think I will let them." I say annoyed with the fact that they will point fingers on my parents.

"No you will not say a word. I don't want to hear them say, my daughter got no manners." She says glaring at me.

"Fine. I will try." I say trying to ease her.

"No Ni, you don't understand, it's not just about taunts. They have a joint family while you have been raised with only 4 of us. I don't know about all of them and I want you to be careful. Don't want them turning against you." She says cupping my face and I nod.

"Mom what's the use of sending all this when she will forget where it's kept and this lazy girl has no patience. So, if she didn't find anything then she will buy it again." Di says making me roll my eyes while other chuckles. I didn't even realize when my Masi and Bua came along with their daughters.

"Wow Di, this is so beautiful." Sonarika says picking up one the dresses.

"Take it." I say without even looking.

"No Sona, you can't take that. We will buy you another dress same as this one." Bua says scolding

"It's okay Bua, I don't mind. She is my sister. She can take anything she wants." I say assuring her.

"No bacha, you don't understand this isn't about that. I know she can and you will but this are your wedding gifts. She can't take anything from here." She says

"Sonarika why don't you look inside her wardrobe. She has similar kinds of brand new dresses." Di says making her excited. Oh shit I completely forgot about packing my old stuffs. I rush towards my wardrobe stopping her before she opens.

"Sonarika, if you like that dress. I will bring it next time we meet." I say and she hugs me excited. I awkwardly pat her back.

"Thank you Di and I love you." She says and I nod.

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