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Nia Pov:

"Why are you not coming with us di?" I ask

"Because I can't Ni, I want to enjoy your wedding if I take holiday now then I might not get later so I am saving my leave." She says

"Are you sure this is reason know Aakesh--" She cut me off glaring and It wasn't easy for me say either.

"No Ni, I don't have any feelings for your fiance. I never liked him. Even before his proposal came, I knew you guys were dating. I saw you with him in movies, mall and restaurant and even my friends saw you multiple times. So why would I think my soon to be brother in a wrong way. And he clearly wasn't interested even in having a proper conservation, apart from you. So why do you think I would Like YOUR KESH." She says scolding me and folding her arms to look intimidating. She looks scary when she get mad.

"I know but I don't want to break your heart " I say in a small voice.

"Stupid girl, you would never. We are sisters but we have different choices in men." She says sighing.

"Oh I forgot to tell you." I say trying to change the topic.

"What did you forget? And why are you packing my stuffs, Ni." She says when she watches me pack her essential.

"Because yours are better. I want to smell good and look good." I say and she rolls her eyes going back to preparing herself for work. I get a call telling me that, they are about to reach.

"Why don't you change? I don't want them to see you in that dress." I say with a straight face and she gets shocked.

"Excuse me. Since when did you start getting bother by my outfit sister." She says and I shrug.

"Just go change in this." I say. She was still in shocking trying to process what I said but anyways she changed. My sister knows fashion and if anyone here don't have a fashion sense, then it would be me. When she comes back from washroom, she was continuously looking at me, confused why I told her to wear a dress.

"I want you to feel that you are on a trip so where this when you go to work." I say pulling the luggage and a manservant takes it outside.

"We have a dress code Ni. You know that right. I can't wear this to work." She says

"Fine, atleast drop us to the airport wearing this so I would think you are coming with us. Even if it is for a fraction of second." I say faking an upset tone and she chuckles.

"Alright, I will if you really want it. What else do you want me to prepare my bags." She says still laughing but I roll my eyes.

"If you want to get in the character then do it. Forget about clothes but atleast prepare your handbag." I say shrugging. I had already prepared everything but if she wants to check her handbag then it would be easier. Now only thing bother me now is how would I take her inside the plane. What if she throws a fit!! Anyways let's do it. Hazel was also coming with us because I and Akshit didn't want her to feel left out. We walk outside our room and find our parents waiting for us.

"You guys are ready." Mom says and we nod.

"Mom, Ni wants me to behave I am going with her. So what do you think about my outfit." She says trying to act excited. I and Dad make eye contact and we both burst into laughter.

"Am I missing something?" She says glaring at us and I almost panicked.

"No Ri, just don't focus on them. They are crazy. You look perfect and I have made your favorite for lunch, so don't forget to take you lunch box." Mom says and she nods. She hugs her winking at me. I know my mother is a natural actor and the lunch box thing made it more realistic. We all go outside and Ananth's were already waiting for us. We greet everyone and when I was about to sit with Di, his cousins started teasing me, telling me to sit beside him but anyway I sit with Di.

"C'mon Nia sit with brother. We don't want the couple apart." Ashish says taking my hand pulling me towards him. When we reach, he made me sit on his lap. My face turns red while Kesh was enjoying this. Thank fully we were sitting at the back and all the elders were in front. I was still mad at him. I try to stand but the bus made a jerk pushing me back on his lap. I could hear his uneven breathing and he snakes his arms around my waist putting me on the window seat next to him. Once I was comfortable on my seat, he took his arm back and started scrolling through his phone. He didn't even trying to coax me after our fight. I know we talked yesterday but I was still sleeping. I don't even remember what we talked.

The silence continued till we reached the airport. It was more like I didn't even exist around him. I was disappointed now did he really not care about me. I walked ahead to catch up with my sister.

"Di, I am not feeling well. Can you please stay with me until my boarding." I whispered.

"What happened? Is it hurting anywhere." She says grabbing my hand but I fold my hand telling her to be quiet.

"Di, I am fine. Just wanted you to stay with me." I say and she nods still worried. I hate to trick my elder sister but I will not let her miss out this trip. When we reach the checking zone, Di tries to warn me that they won't allow her inside. I told her to trust me and not say anything until we check inside. It wasn't easy to persuade her but still we managed to get her inside.

"Di, relax they aren't that bad. I am sure they would tried to understand our situation." I say and the female guard looks at me confused.

"Ni are kidding me why would they allow me inside when I am not travelling." She says

"Di please lemme explain until then stay with Hazel." I say

"We can't allow her inside without tickets." She says warning me.

"Don't worry that's not something we need to talk about. We have her tickets and passport. She doesn't want to travel because she is a Doctor but you know even a doctor needs a vacation. She had been missing all our family trips and parties just to clear her medical exams, hoping she will get to enjoy those missed fun but she forgot herself in the process. I really wanted her to come to this trip so I tricked her. I hope you would understand." I say in small voice making sure Di didn't hear anything.

"Okay I can do that." Female security says smiling checking our tickets and allowing us. Di was confused and before she would start, Hazel bombarded di with questions annoying her. When she realized she glared at me.

"Ni I can't believe you have been fooling me all the way. I am still not coming." She says scolding me.

"Fine, your choice di. After all you have always left me alone. I don't expect anything from you. This isn't the first time, I will go somewhere without my sister on a family trip. Inspite of having a sister I always grew up alone." I say. It wasn't a lie, I used to miss her.

"Alright don't make me feel bad about this I am coming only for you but What do I tell the hospital." She says nervously

"You don't have to worry Dad took care of that." I say and she glares at Dad, when he was talking with Kesh's uncle. He gave an innocent smile, knowing why Di was glaring at him.

When all board to plane.

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