Wrong Sister

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Aakesh Pov:

"You jerk what did you do?" she says coming to my table.

"Babe relax, did you not like my surpise," I ask smirking

"No, I loved it," she says with sarcasm and I frown at her.

"What do you mean?" I say confused

"I mean, I am happy that you are going to be my brother in law, what else," she says with a straight smile folding her hands on her chest and Laksh chokes on his drink.

"WHAT??? I sent my proposal for you," I say shocked

"Oh you did, unfortunately for the wrong sister," she says nodding and biting her lips nervously.

"Now what???" Laksh says

"Nothing, now he will get married to MY SISTER," she says with a shrug and I glare at her.

"How did this happen!!!!!" I told Vidyuth uncle about you, Laksh says

"Then how did this happen???" I say gritting my teeth

"What's done is done," She says and I roll my eyes.

"Really Nia I LOVE YOU not her," I say irritated with her statement.

"Well she is a doctor and the best part is she looks like me so soon you will start loving her," she says sipping my cold coffee

"No never," I say

"Why not she is better than me," she says and I grit my teeth.

"Guys please come down," Laksh says

"DID YOU REALLY MENTION HER NAME???" I ask Laksh controlling my anger.

"I guess I did, I didn't knew she had a sister," he says nervously defending himself and I sigh.

Niashya and I have been in relationship for years and now my parents wanted me to get married but love marriages in my family isn't acceptable. If my family comes to know of us, then they will never accept her and I can't live without Nia, she is my everything. And If I go against their wishes, then I will lose all my right as the next heir, and I have been preparing for that as long as I can remember. I can't lose it but I wanted her as well, so I asked Laksh to recommend her to Dad. I tried every possible thing to put this thought in his mind, but looks like that wasn't enough.

"I wonder how she never gains weight," says Rupali sitting beside Laksh.

"I workout regularly," she says taking a big bite of her burger.

"I do too," Rupali says and Laksh chuckles

"No baby that isn't workout," Laksh says trying to hold his laugh making Rupali faces turn red.

"Hey it's okay we will fix this," she says turning to me and holding my hand and I nod

" What am I missing here???" Rupali ask and Laksh tells her the reason

" Talk to your sister," Rupali suggests

" Thanks for the idea Roop but no we aren't that close," she says and Laksh furrow his brow.

" I thought your family is chill," Rupali says

" They are," she says sipping the coffee and asking me to order Chinese. I call the waiter asking for noodles, veg Manchurian, spring rolls and dumplings with low spices.

"Aren't you done yet Niashya???" Rupali says shocked and she says, " no" chuckling at her reaction. The waiter soon bring everything I order and Nia serves me, strictly warning me to finish everything, making me roll my eyes.

After lunch, we go out and the girls insist on going shopping, so we follow them. When we reach their favorite store Rupali starts excitingly picking everything and Laksh panics.

"Baby this is so outdated try this," Laksh says and Rupali frowns but takes it anyway. He starts picking dress for her, checking the price and tells her to try because he can't wait to see her in them.

"I almost got a panic attack," Laksh says as soon as Rupali goes inside the trail room and Nia chuckles.

"Aren't you buying anything???" I ask and she says, "no" typing on the phone with a frown on her face.

"I am buying these," Rupali says passing the dress to Laksh after trails.

"You mean Laksh will buy those for you," Laksh says and she nods.

"Okay, then let's go" Nia says and I frown

"No first buy something for yourself and then we will leave," I say firmly

"Look at me those won't even look good on me," she says and I frown

"What nonsense, everything will look good on you," I say pulling her and picking a dress for her, asking approval.
Finally after 1 hours she chose one dress, still having second thoughts.

"What do you think???" She says looking at me and I nod.

"Why don't you try this???" I ask

"Okay let's buy this one too," she says without trying and I check it on her size billing both the dress.

"Are you staying or leaving???" She ask
while we were going towards the mall exit. I tell her I am staying and I will be leaving in the morning. Laksh was staying at Rupali place.

"I need to go home," she says

"No you are staying with me tonight," I say firmly. She wasn't ready but when I insisted, she agreed. I drive outside the city taking her to my penthouse.

She hid behind me when she saw everyone staring at us and I pull her to my side holding her hand. I hated that I can't publicly announce my relationship and I always have to bring her here. We take the elevator ignoring the gossips and she presses the button to the top floor.

"I hate this," she say biting her lips

"I know baby," I say holding her in my arms.

She gets a call from her mother and she takes it, moving out of the elevator when it reaches to our floor. Once she is done talking she ends the call. I enter the password and she rushes inside opening her sandal, going inside the bedroom. I follow her inside putting the bag on the table. She comes out from washroom complaining about her cramps and ask me to buy either tampons or sanitary pad. I rush downstairs going to the store opposite of our building.

I find sanitary pad, her favourite snacks and chocolates. In the middle of the billing, she tells me to bring ice-cream. I payed for everything and returned to the penthouse. She was sitting on the bedroom floor, while hugging her kness and putting her head on her kness.

"Baby you okay," I ask and she looks up shaking her head as no. She takes the bag going inside the washroom. I get a call from office, so I walk outside to the living room area, taking the call. My assistant, Joden tells me to check the mail regarding our new project. I check it on my laptop, everything was fine apart from few minor mistakes. I call back my assistant and tell him to make the changes before mailing the clients, explaining the mistakes and ending the call.

"Can we watch Purple Hearts," she says coming out of the bedroom and I nod. She plays Purple Hearts and takes the ice-cream from the table, which I kept earlier. She goes to kitchen bringing spoons for both of us.

"How is your cramps???" I ask

"It's still hurting but bearable," she says sitting on the couch beside me and folding her legs. I pull her close, she watches the movie but I scroll through my phone. After the movie ends she plays another one, A perfect pairing. She continues to binge watch and when she was done with this, she tries to play another but I switched off the television.
She grumbles but I scold her, ordering food for both of us.

After dinner, we went to bed and soons she drifts into a deep slumber. I turn off the lights keeping a small light on because Nia gets scared of darkness.

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