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An: This chapter was written to "Been Like This" by Doja Cat. There's not a ton of drama here but some conversations needed to be had. I love how this story is turning out and I hope that you all are too. We'll see you guys in the next update. All links and videos will be posted on all socials. Thank you all for reading this far.

Yoongi sits at the table silently glaring at his fiance. She reaches for his hand, "This is a good thing, you act like she's going far away... Aphrodite will still be in the family-"

 Aphrodite will still be in the family-"

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"No... I have been here with you on your worst days, making sure that you both are ok. I've been picking up the pieces, drying the fucking tears that others have caused you... I love you and her equally."

Simone takes a deep breath, "We can start over... Our very own family, just me and you, no Jimin or Jungkook, no drama. Doesn't that sound better than-"

"I've always had to compromise and have been fucked over time and time again... I'm not compromising anymore, if you do this... I-I'm done... Matter of fact, I'm calling Jin, we're all going over there to have a family meeting."

Simone silently looks at him, "We just had an amazing night, why are we fighting right now? You have no reason to be ups-"

He sighs on the phone, "Hey... How far are you? Is it possible for you to meet us at Jimins house as soon as poss- NO, WE'RE NOT BEATING HIM UP! Hurry, we all have to talk, it's urgent." Then Yoongi gets up turns off the stove and heads towards the door. Simone quickly walks behind him, "Can I at least put on some sweatpants?" He scoffs, "No, let's go." Thankfully her t-shirt was long enough, throwing on some slippers and following him. He bangs on the door like the police and Simone whispers, "Don't do that, the baby is probably sleeping... You'll wake her." He stares at the door waiting for it to open. Rolling his eyes when Jimin groggily cracks the door open, "Wh-what are you doing here, Yoongi?"

"Let us in," Yoongi grunts with his fist balled up. Simone grabs his bicep, "Please calm down... It's no big deal. Let's just go home, please." Jimin opens the door wide open, "Is everything ok?!" Then he tells the pair to come in. Yoongi sits on the couch with his foot rapidly tapping on the ground, he's glaring at Jimin, "Did you convince her to do this?" Jimin looks confused, scratching his head, "Do what?"

"Sign away her rights..."

Jimins eyes widen but he tries to hide the smile that spreads across his face, "No, but at the end of the day, I'm still her father-"

**KNOCK, KNOCK** Jimin takes a deep breath and stares at the tall man in his doorway, "...Jin, what the fuck is going on? Why are you here?!"

He scoffs, "I don't know, I was told there was an emergency so I hurried right away... Simone are you and the baby ok!"

"We're fine Jin... Yoongi is just mad about something-" feeling her fiance's muscles tense in his arms, "Babe, chill out."

Yoongi shoots her a look of annoyance, "Sweetheart, why would you ask Jin to uproot his whole entire life to help with the baby. If you were planning to just throw your child away."

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