Ch 13

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This chapter was written to I wish I hated you by ariana grande and california king bed.

Once at the hospital Layla stayed back for a minute. Jimin and her hadn't talked much at all. She closed her eyes as Jimin ran towards the entrance, not moving from the side of the car. A million thoughts ran through her head. She was happy for Simone. She was happy for Jimin, but a part of her felt like she would be intruding on something. Something she shouldn't be there for. She felt a tear roll down her cheek then someone hug her.

"It's a mess isn't it?" Yoongi said hugging her.

"Yeah. It is." Layla whispered. "I don't know if I'm ready for all of this anymore Yoongi."

He nodded pulling away from the hug. "So don't be. I don't think anyone would blame you."

"She's my best friend." Layla wiped the tears from her eyes "He's my husband."

"Lay." Yoongi looked down at Layla. "What about you? Simone has her mom and me, and Jimin well... he's self sufficient."

"I wish I hated him Yoongi."

"It's not in you to hate people."

Layla bit the inside of her lip and sighed. "You should go up, make sure they're not ready to kill each other."

"You gonna be okay?" Yoongi asked.

Layla nodded. "Make up an excuse for me, I'm gonna pass for now."

"Of course. Love you." Yoongi said as he began to walk away.

"Wait." Layla yelled and yoongi turned. "Can I borrow your car."

Yoongi nodded and tossed his keys to her. "Don't crash it."

"Don't drop the baby." Layla joking said rolling her eyes before running to Yoongi's car.

Yoongi walked up to the room and Jimin was holding the baby

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Yoongi walked up to the room and Jimin was holding the baby. "Where is Layla?" Jimin asked and Simone looked curious.

"Ah, she had to go to work at the clinic someone called out or something. I let her borrow my car." Yoongi said walking over to Jimin. "Congratulations both of you."

"Thanks." Jimin said handing the baby to Yoongi. "I wish Layla was here."

"Have you guys talked things out yet?" Simone didn't want to get involved but she did feel bad she hadn't really been there for Layla, although it wasn't like Layla bothered her about it much either.

"Not yet, but let's just not worry about that now, let's just focus on Aphrodite." Jimin said.

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