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AN: This was written by @yoooongjoooniee . Putting one of these at the top of a chapter is so different for me. But I took longer than usual to write something lifes been getting in the way but I'm trying. This chapter is completely me getting out of writing smut and just writing drama (and what happened between scenes in the last chapter). It's during a fairly angsty part of my life so Layla unfortunately is going to be my personal victim for this story. However, I'm excited for this collab! (Is it our 3rd now?) thank you for being patient with me and I hope you enjoy this chapter. It's the start of some juicy drama.

Layla had been bored at work all night, Jimin texted her he'd be picking up a shift at his gym and she sighed. That meant he'd be gone later so she figured she'd pick up a few more hours.

Work was slow and she was rather bored, spinning in her chair she got a text from Jimin.

-"Is our neighbor's name Simone?"

-"No idea why?"

-"I think she comes here."

-"Most people go to our gym." She texted back but she had a weird feeling about it. He usually didn't find it significant enough to tell her someone they possibly knew went to the same gym as us.

- "I guess you're right, see you later, love you." He texted back.

- "Love you too." She texted back and groaned. Simone was their neighbor but she thought she usually worked similar hours to her at the same hospital. It's not like their paths ever crossed at work, Simone was a nurse and Layla did ultrasounds.

When Layla finally got off later than she anticipated, Jimin texted her again that he'd be home late and not to stay up. Layla cursed as she walked up her stairs to her house, her neighbor Simone giggling and speaking to her, Layla didn't mean to be rude. However, she was exhausted and pissed Jimin wouldn't be home to snuggle up with for bed. So she talked to Simone with an attitude and didn't look back. "I'll apologize later." Layla sighed to herself.


"A girl was asking about me?" Jimin raised his eyebrow.

"Yeah, she was hot." Jungkook shrugged.

Jimin rolled his eyes. "You think everyone is hot, besides I have Layla. I'm not interested. We're engaged. We're happy."

"You guys have been fighting for a week." Jungkook reminded him.

"She just wishes I could be home more, there's nothing wrong with that." Jimin sighed as stretched. "I don't need some weird girl or her weird crush on me ruining what Layla and I have."

"She isn't weird

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"She isn't weird."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Not gonna happen Koo."


Layla was at the store trying to find a dress for her and Jimin's viewing of the wedding venue but everything Jimin had put aside for her at the store was too tight or short for her liking so she called him.

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