Volume 2 Chapter 10: Dance Night (final part)

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The scene starts with Y/N and Natasha walking to his dorm as felt his doppleganger vanished.

Y/N: (thoughts) Looks like my clone disappeared. I still haven't figured out who the infiltrator was.

Natasha: Is something wrong, Darling?

Y/N: Oh, nothing. Just thinking about what a good time I had this night.

Natasha: (smile) I feel the same way. (thoughts, seductive smile) Though, things are about to get more fun and exciting~.

The two eventually went inside his dorm.

Y/N: Okay, is there anything I could get you?

Natasha: (seductive smile) How's about a simple drink~?

Y/N: Sure. If it's-

Before he could finish his sentence, Natasha opened the bottle and gave Y/N the potion to his mouth in which he coughed up a bit because of the unexpected move she just did to him. Y/N widen his eyes as Natasha pours the pink liquid in his mouth until the potion is emptied. 

Y/N: (coughs a bit) Hey, what did you just do?!

Natasha: (seductive smirk) Oh just something I wanna see something extraordinary for myself~.

Before he could ask, Y/N groans as he holds his body and he suddenly started to feel pain and hot? 

Y/N: (groans) W-What's happening to me?!

Y/N's body was slowly transforming into his hot and sexy female counter part while Natasha was excited to see on how he looks as a female since she gained the description of how good looking he looks as a woman and wanted to see it for herself.

His body gets shorter and slowly gains and earns a slight feminine shape: his butt gets bigger in shape and size, his hips and waist becoming more womanly, and his stomach gets thinner than before. The breasts on his chest grow out, while his manhood disappears, being replaced by his new womanhood. His hair gets longer, reaching down past his shoulders, while his arms and legs get slimmer, and his skin softens, along with his face changing shape.

Y/N: No way... am I...?

Y/N looked at the convenient mirror in their room that just appeared and was confirmed he was back into being the thicc, yet beautiful, female version of himself when he transformed. 

Hell, some the clothing he was wearing for the dance still fit him only it was really tight on both his big breasts that were bigger than Yang and Glynda and rounder while also having the big ass and thighs that beat both Blake on the Booty department and Weiss on the thighs.

Meanwhile Natasha was surprised by how beautiful and how developed he was had a girl. Especially when she looked at Y/N, that had almost big breasts almost the size of her's while also seeing his thighs and ass being in almost similar seize, although her face instantly turned a bit of lust just because of seeing him has a beautiful woman.

Y/N: I can't believe I'm a girl again...

Natasha: (seductive smirk) And I can't believe how hot and attractive you are as a girl, Darling~.

Y/N: (blush) H-Huh?

Y/N then got tackled to the bed by Natasha.

Y/N: (blush) H-Hey! W-What are you...

Natasha placed a finger on Y/N's mouth and he or rather she saw the big seductive smirk plastered all over Natasha face and she slowly was rubbing the now large breasts that were almost the same size has hers.

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