General info for my Death Battles/DBXs:

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Now there are some people who make certain rules about characters they won't use or making some fights not always end in a death.

So I just wanted to make my own thing regarding some things I will and won't use in my Battles.

Normal Death Battle Rules:

1. Combatants have no prior knowledge of each other unless specified.

2. To ensure a fair fight, any specific moral restraints from killing are removed from combatants. All other traits are considered.

3. A combatant's maximum personal potential is examined unless specified otherwise. Factors unrelated to combatants cannot end the battle.

4. Unless specified, all official material related to a character is applied unless found contradictory to the primary source material. 

Characters and Things I would add:

1. Depending on the fight in question, I will add none canon media if it makes the fight fair, or even if it does not change the outcome, I'll add it just to make things a little interesting. For example, I would give Akuma his Asura Wrath stuff if he was fighting someone who is just that strong. 

2. Most characters in fiction never resort to killing. However, in Death Battle, the main reason for the fight is to see a battle to the death. Depending on the fight, some fights won't end in a Death.

3. A follow up to the last thing. Winning a fight through Battle Feild removal. Most characters can beat their opponents by sending them to an area where they can't escape from. Now Death Battle has the rule of the fight always ending in a death. But I will give the character with BFR a win if it can legit be a battle winner. In other words, if their opponent can't escape.

4. While I have no battles like this as of now. I will do battles with characters from the same series. IF they have never ever fought or meant each other before.

5. OC's are allowed if they are the OC's of this book like Team DVANT, Takeo, THCS, STKR, THNDR, etc.. 

Characters and Things I won't add

1. Characters from Memes, OC's from other books, 18+, Real life, and MLP are never going to be in any of my battles in any shape or form. So don't get your hopes up.

2. Cartoon characters like Bugs Bunny are not going to be in any battle. Cartoons like Looney Toons, Tom & Jerry, Spongebob, Family Guy, Simpsons, etc. However shows like Ben 10, Samurai Jack, Steven Universe, or cartoons that are actually taken seriously are welcome in battles. Also before anyone asks, some Disney characters are allowed as well, but depending on the character, I focus on the stuff from Kingdom Hearts then their cartoons.

3. I will never ever do a battle in spite or in favor of a series or a character. I don't care if you guys hate or love the series or character if they lose, they lose.

That is all

Now you may call some of this rules stupid or not required. But this is how my battles roll. I hope you all understand.

If you have any questions regarding something, comment away. But please don't say any mean, rude, or swear, or I will block and report you.

My main characters of these Death Battles are:

1. Y/N (main protagonists)

2. S/N (older or younger siblings) 

3. B/N (rivals/Anti-hero/Anti-villain) 

4. F/N (father/mother characters) 

5. Dark Y/N (antagonists or corrupted heroes)

If you have any ideas you would like to share in a Death Battle with the top five, let me know. Anyway, that's all!

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