14] The Memories

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You are my Everything

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You are my Everything

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" Nope. as I said before, first I'll ask questions and then only give answer of yours" I said confidentially looking in his eyes. We keep looking at each other for a second and then he give up, or that what I thought. " Ok , ask what you want to know? " he said while sitting on his chair like a king, indeed he's a king.

" So, first question - How do you know we are going to come here ? . It was a pure accident from our side." I asked my first question and the most bothering one. " This thing will be explained by my brother, later. Detailed. Next question? " he asked non bothered by our expression, I attempt to ask next question but get intrupted by him " oh , not you. It's my turn now. " He said with smirk. More like to irritate me . And it actually works.

"Okay! Ask" I said irritatedlly. " first: how you have that bangle and how you got transferred here!?" He asked two questions at a time, " hey, it's two. You can only ask one . " Sid snapped with a little frown.

He looked at her from top to bottom and replied with smug face " My kingdom, my rules. If anyone have any problem they can leave. Door is there " . He pointed toward door, sid became red due to anger and was about to shoot back at him but Rishi stop her by scwizzing her hand softly. She listen and I take matter in my hand " okay, we found this bangle in pond of this place entrance, in our time ofcourse. And about the next , we were roaming around and found that mysterious temple with that door, place the bangle in the gap , carved on door and rest you know.. " I said hiding my expression.

I know I didn't say complete truth, but I it didn't feel like to tell him about it , about my Nono. And afterall , he's also not being easy, so why should I.

He looked at me for some time with suspicious orbs, for a second even I thought that he didn't believe me but when he give a small nood , I relive a breath. "Fine. Ask your questions now "
By the time we Finished asking him questions and him giving us answer, except one , it was late night. We take our departure to our room, the moment we step inside our room and I closed the door sid started shouting " How dare that bast*rd talk to us Like that! . Did he think we all are his servent who are leaving under his mercy, like other. I swear Rishi, if hadn't stop me , I would have kill him. " her whole face was red , but even after that she was looking so adorable. Hh, from when did I started adoring her. I asked myself.

My eyes travelled to Rishi whose eyes were pinned on Sid, his eyes have a different shine while looking at her, maybe he was also adoring her cuteness. Sid keep blabbering to perticular no one, because I walked toward bed to take a rest and the other person is probably out of all senses.

I lied on that huge bed, but the sleep was mile away from my eyes. My mind tried to digest all the information I found today . It was tiring for my brain but at same time it was giving a sense of excitement to it.

The Mystery of Indrajala - The Lost Kingdom. Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя