10] The Dream Land

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There is cosmic reason for everything, nothing is random

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There is cosmic reason for everything, nothing is random.

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-> please comment your thoughts, this chapter take my a little too much hard work. 🥺

-> more than 2k word's


Its been half an hour we are walking in this huge tunnel, it seems like it has no end and no beginning. darkness has surrounded us from everywhere , it seems like the ray of light never reached here, the only source of light right now is the tourch in our hands, but it is not helping much either , we can only see the path shown by the tourch .

Sid and Rishi were walking forward of me and god know why, she is not leaving rishi for even second, the moment we have entered here. And Rishi is also not saying anything, like he's also liking what she's doing.

From last night I didn't get a chance to talk to her and this morning was also so hectic, in other days she herself tells me everything, every small details and today she's even avoiding our eye contact. Something is definitely wrong.

While I was thinking, something came under Sid's leg and she was about to fall but at exact moment Rishi wrapped his one hand around her waist. it seems like they were frozed , they keep looking at each other eyes intensely and my tourch was working as a spotlight on them . To much cringe.

Why is he being so touchy with her.

I shouldn't have brought him here in, first place.

She forgot me , after meeting her crush.

Every type of thought started bothering me after seeing them like this. Suddenly I started feeling angry for some unknown reason. Being done seeing them like this, I cleared my throat to brought both of them to reality. They both also realise what they are doing and stand properly, they both started looking here and there, god know what they are looking because I can't see anything without tourch.

"If you're romance is over can we continue to walk, we are not even half of the path" I taunted, it's not my fault I am just feeling weird or little insecure. They both nood and again started walking, sid again grab rishi hand's tightly as if her life depends on it , and Rishi let her , I rolled my eyes and started follow them.

After another half an hour of walking, we saw a slightest light from one corner of the tunnel, we walk toward the light and what we saw in front of our eyes was magnificent, I know lately I have seen soo many things as beautiful as this but this place worth praising.

.The whole place was filled with colourful Cristal like stone. The light comming from it made the whole tunnel glow with different colours , different colours like pink, blue , green and all. But for a twist, this stones are not only found here rather we can find this in different part of world, even though its rare to found.

The Mystery of Indrajala - The Lost Kingdom. Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu