3] The Childhood Home

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Nothing is permanent

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Nothing is permanent

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Warning: Violence and disturbing stuff ahead.

𓆩 ANIKA  𓆪

"Yes mam , we found him " he repeated the sentence again and my and my heart bounce with happiness. And a small smile crept on my face " hmm, ok . Send me his address, I'll personally manage him" I said and cut the call without listening his response.

I am happy. It's been a long time I felt these happy. My work has always provided me peace but the relief this perticular mission is giving has no limit.

I have been void of emotions all these years, no feeling had reached to my heart. But the moment I had taken these mission in my hands, everything changes. I am scared, angry,  sad and somehow happy.

The sleep has vanished from my eyes after listening this news. So rather than wasting my time, I decided to do the most stupid thing in my life.

Visiting my childhood home.

It is also situated in Mumbai, near the airport, So I reach there in just 15 min . I looked at the house, the house which had crushed my childhood, the house which had witnessed the torcher I went through everyday, the house which had witnessed the death of my loved one , who was the only person I used to care about and the only person who cared about me.

And the house which had witnessed the murder of my parents I did with my own hands.

But even after that I am scared of something here . Maybe the memories. I have run enough from my past but now it's time to face it.

I pushed the door slowly , which opens with the creek sound, Just like a horror movie. I stepped inside the house and witness the deafening silence. The whole house was covered with spider web's and the house was dark as if sun rays hadn't visited here for decades. I oppend the tourch of my phone and start walking forward, slowly. Siding the web on the way.

The path seems familiar but still unfamiliar to me . My whole childhood has been gone on these floor. I walked upstairs, toward my Nono's room. My Grandma.
The only lady who give me the strength to survive, but when she left I lost all my reason to leave and become a stone, no one can break.

My real mother had died when I was 5 and dad married the other woman just after two months of her death, in the name of 'my sake', but evryone know, that his lusty body can't stay any longer from a female body so he married another woman. And that woman also turned out like him, lusty. But also cruellest. She started beating me just for her entertainment and tell me to do all household work.

Me and my Nono used to live in her room, and evrynight she used tell me story's of a magical Kingdom , wher every type of fantasy creature leave. Her story used to make me forgot all my pains and suffering and thrown into that fantasy land. This happened till I turned 15 ,and then she died.

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