28. Just Come Home

Start from the beginning

I didn't know where from, but I had heard it before, and not just in the passing on the street. No, it was more recent than that. I had heard it more than that. It was deep and husky; both the voices were, so they had to of been avid smokers. I had once lived with smokers, having had smoke filling the house 24/7. 

"I just wanted to make it known that I'm here for my sister" I covered my mouth when the realization dawned on me on who it could be. I had no idea why they were here, only that they know wanted to me. I was right here, under their feet, and it made me gloat a little, but I still knew that they could find me. 

I held my breath, when it sounded like they were getting closer, before they walked out the door. "Need to find that other fucker, and take him with. She's always with him. She was there at the game last night, with him, probably dating him" disgust rolled through my body, at the fact that they were able to walk into my house, with my brothers being out, and telling me that I was dating one of my brothers. 

I felt something wet running down my neck, as I tried to crane my neck around to see tears running down Enzo's face, making me feel awful for my brother. The same brother that the people I used to call my siblings, thought that I was dating. "Lets see if the girls have found anything in the bedrooms" 

Knowing that they had the audacity to roam through our house like they owned it, probably taking what they wanted, made me want to jump out and kick them where it hurt, but I knew that wouldn't work. It was worth the thought, and Enzo must have known what I was thinking, because I felt his leg jerk away from me, as I realized that I must have been digging my heel into him. 

'Sorry' I mouthed the best I could, and I knew he knew that I meant it, cause he used the hand that wasn't holding me in place, to stroke my hair. None of this was fair. None of this was supposed to happen to us, but it was. We could hear shouts further down, before someone walked past the room, saying "The fuckers have left, and taken her with. We will have to wait for then to come back" and then they were walking away, and further down the other side of the house. 

I released a breath, knowing that they weren't near us, but that they could potentially still be in the house, waiting for us to come to them. They were sitting, waiting for their bait, which were us. We had become bait in our own home. The sound of a car, pulling around the back of the house, right near the window where the intruders had come in, was almost like it was as quiet as a mouse. 

"Get the fuck in, we need to find out where they are hiding. They knew we were coming" and with that, the house was back to dead silent, so silent that you could hear a pin drop. I didn't want to move, afraid that someone would find us, but I was sure that we were losing air the more time that we were letting the seconds turn into minuets, before they became hours. 

I was petrified of moving away from the position I was, my back pressed to Enzo's front as his arms secured me from rolling away, as I was afraid of what could be next to us. I hadn't thought about how small yet large this hole was, but I still didn't dare look around or touch anything, I just kept looking up at the floor that had once been normal, but now there was hidey holes. 

I wondered how many of these we had throughout the house, and if they had been used for this purpose before. Clearly they had been used by Nic before, as he had known where it was, and so had Enzo, only needing to know it was under the bed. The fact that made this whole thing lucky, was that I could have been in my bed, asleep by now, but I couldn't sleep most nights, and neither could Enzo, because Leon and Leo were still not home half the time, and so we would watch movies to pass the time, and I may have never been sitting here if we hadn't been watching a movie together. 

That was the scary thing about all of this. "Enzo! Flo! It's me, Leo! Where are you?!" a voice was heard, running up the stairs, but I still didn't dare move. I wasn't sure who it was. "FRAN! NIC! Please tell me your all still here" the voice lowered as they walked into the room. I felt my breathing stop once again as they neared the spot, and I wasn't sure if it was my brother. 

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