15. Changes To Scenery

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 - Florence Colombo - 

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 - Florence Colombo - 

I was finally getting dismissed after being awake and capable to get up and down in bed for 3 days. I was so ready to get out of here, after being in here for like a month, but in reality was only 2 weeks. 

"Florence" Lorenzo basically sung, as he ran into my room, right as I pulled down my shirt then my hoodie. No one but me had to see what had been done; how the cuts and bruises just made me look even more sick than I was before. 

Apparently, he was over the moon, bouncing off walls with energy, all about me coming home today. I wasn't so certain, as I had not stepped a foot out of this room yet, uncertain about where the people I had called me siblings, had gone. If they were still there, lurking in the shadows. 

They were just not the types of people to give up on something that they wanted; they would not want to give up on their source of fun, which was making me endure pain for as long as they wanted. It had always been what they wanted. 

"Enzo" I murmured, as I turned towards him, hugging him. I was quieter than he was, as most of my brothers had mentioned. Initially, they had said how quiet he was, when he wasn't around his friends, in particular Elijah, which I had believed. 

But, in comparison to the person that had always opened my hospital door with some new found energy, it was like one was talking about two completely people, but in reality, it was just someone who had two different sides to his personality; one with love and one with abandonment. 

He always found a way to soften for me, when I didn't feel up for all the energy that he brought with him. "You ready to go home? We have done up a beautiful room with everything you could ever wish for, with hundreds of clothes, while I can show you around the rest of the house if you feel up to it" 

Enzo had told me about the entire house, even allowing me to design up my room on his laptop, because apparently Leo was taking Nicolo and Enzo out to do up a room for me, that would be right in between our fathers room and Enzo's room, while it was across from Leonidas'. 

I just nodded my head, as he pulled me in closer, giving me an extra squeeze before the two of us pulled apart. I leaned on his arm, while he swung my backpack that I had brought with me the day I was sick, and the bag that had been brought for me, filled with a change of clothes, over his shoulder, as his warm hand found my cold one. 

"Ready?" Leo questioned, getting up from the chair he was sitting on as soon as the door opened. I had been told that Leonidas had been called into work, as had Francesco, but he had to go to his own business, while Nicolo had been sent to organize something for when I got home. 

I didn't mind that they all weren't here, but I was definitely a little disheartened by it all. It was hard, going from having no one but Phoenix, to having everyone, to having only some people. Speaking about Phoenix, Enzo had told me that Elijah had seen him at school and told him what had happened. 

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