26. Just Out Of Reach

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| Florence Colombo |

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| Florence Colombo |

Sitting at the kitchen table, nothing had changed since when we had left. It had been a few days since we had been to where Leo and Leon worked, which I thought would have changed the way that they leave without an explanation. 

Nothing had changed, as a result. If anything, everything felt like it had gotten harder to breathe. Instead of having Nico with us, he had gone out early this morning with Fran, and neither had returned. Same with Leo and Leon, but they had left when they had thought that I was asleep, but I had been woken up by them. 

The only thing that had changed was that Elijah was here with us. When I mean us, I mean Enzo and I, and the only thing they were doing to keep my mind off everything else, or at leas their own minds, was that Elijah was annoying Enzo as he tried to cook. I'm kind of glad that I had come over that day to help with the assignment that never ended up getting finished. 

I had no idea if I was even going back there, or what was happening. All I knew was that Phoenix was with his brothers at a tournament for some reason, and that he would be back tomorrow. That was the only thing that I had been able to keep up with on my new phone that Leon had given me the day we had come home from staying on the couches in their offices.

"Lijh, just get out and do something. Maybe go and get your hockey shit together" and with that Elijah sped out of the kitchen, like his asse was on fire. I was still sat at the kitchen bench, as Enzo quietly cooked whatever he was making, and putting it into containers. I was a little confused, but I knew not to question him sometimes.

Some things that Enzo did, were just unexplainable. I mean, maybe that reached out as far as my other brothers, as Leo and Leon had still unexplained absences, but like they had to tell me anything. I was still the nobody that no one wanted anything to do with in kindergarten and now into my teenage years. 

"You coming?" a voice questioned me, and I turned to see Enzo standing in the doorway to the kitchen, three meals in his hand. I looked back to where he had just been standing, to see that there was no other containers of food where I had thought that they were. So, I just nodded to Enzo, slipping under his arm that he rested around my shoulders. 


Wrapping the puffer jacket I had brought, as tightly around my body as I could. Who knew that being at an ice rink could be so cold. Not like I had ever stepped in here with any of my old family, but now I was sitting here, watching Enzo play a game that truly showed his passion. 

I could see it, with the way he moved on the ice, that he truly loved this sport, as much as I wasn't a fan of sitting in the cold or watching him getting pushed and shoved every which way. I winced every chance that I could when he was hit. Elijah and Enzo were usually out on the ice at the same time, but Elijah was usually down the back, while Enzo was up front. 

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